Archive | July 25, 2014


I asked for something fun to write here; this is to the 4th prompt, from Lilfluff (Second generation Cali-Cats as kittens. Kittens at play, what could be cuter?)

“And this is where we… well, you can see for yourself, your Lordship.” The slave acting as a guide gestured over the half door.

His Lordship frowned. He wasn’t used to that sort of talk, especially not from a costumed moddie. “What sort of… oh.” He didn’t quite manage to hide his smile. “Ooh.”

In the well-carpeted room, four – kittens? toddlers? – small moddie children tumbled, one of them, grey-striped ears and black-tipped ears, making little baby-growl noises. “They’re…?”

“Second generation, your Lordship. The one with the Siamese markings is my get.”

Leave me a prompt here

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Inspiration post & an interesting piece on entitlement by K Orion Fray

Rion posted this piece on entitlement yesterday, which I found interesting: what do artists owe their fans?

And ri has moved the Inspiration posts to the blog, so they are more readily accessible: here’s Wednesday‘s.

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Kitty Escaped, Shortish version

So, earlier yesterday we had our twice-yearly birdy-stuck-in-the-chimney (it’s a vestigial chimney that terminates in the laundry room, left over from when the house reasonably had two wood-burning stoves). T. got the bird out, but Merit caught it mid-air.

And then the boys surprised her, and she lost it, and eventually T. got the bird outside.

I have to think this was on her mind when she very uncharacteristically darted outside while Ri & I were getting ready for our walk.

The problem is, Merit’s a skittish kitty, and once she darted… well, usually, I can get around her and spook her back /into/ the house.

Not this time. She ended up in the hedgerow, I lost sight of her…

T. spent hours out there, calling her, talking to her, but she was too far freaked. When he came in, after dark, Rion went out and did the same.

(I am very lucky I live with people who can sit calmly for periods of time. I… can’t. <.<)

It was nearly 11 when Ri coaxed a none-the-worse-for-wear Merit back inside, and hugs were had all around.

But I shall be a bit more careful with the door for a while now.

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Escape from Rochester – Camp Nano Day Twenty-Four (Kitty-escaped Short Day)

First Line of yesterday:


I didn’t recognize the voice at first.

Last Line of yesterday:

“Tell me you didn’t just get clawed.”

“I didn’t just get… clawed.”

Current Word Count:

Words Yesterday:


Death Count:

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