Pretty much [WARNING: TV Tropes] What it says On the Tin – I’m looking for a few prompts on demifiction in the Reiassan setting – any era, anything I could conceivably work into the setting.
I will write at least 4 pieces of at least 100 words during the month of August.
What is demifiction? – to quote lilfluff: “To quote
ysabetwordsmith demifiction is, ‘Demifiction is imaginary stuff written as if it were nonfiction. This includes such things as reviews of books that don’t exist, fake movie posters, heroes’ shopping lists, etc. It can be challenging to write but it makes a great way to stretch your creative skills, and a really fun way to explore your settings.’
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Something informative on goats – perhaps related to a goat show or gymkhana?
Goat Show!
Imperial politics. Those bracelets of immense but unspecified symbolism, and possibly also other meaningful choices in clothing, jewelry, hairstyle …
and possibly also other meaningful choices in clothing, jewelry, hairstyle … 😉
I would like to learn more about hair braiding. You can stop giggling now.