Weird Summer – a blog post

It’s been a weird summer, and an even weirder week.

The weather’s been off all summer – spring storms and autumn chills through July and August, grey days and damp nights and not a day in the nineties – hardly a day in the 80’s! And I’ve been a little off, too. Not entirely sure why, but it’s been a bit harder to get excited, and bit harder to hold on to energy, all summer – all year – long.

These things happen, and as we go into September, I’m trying to muster energy to … well, to have energy.

The weather might be chilly, but it’s lovely for hiking; I want to do more of that in the next few weeks. Then there’s the wedding – Best Friend Evar is getting married at the end of the month – AND she & Fiance are coming to visit this weekend!

(gonna be so much good food, and so much awesome hanging out, and so much… everything!)

(I don’t get to see them often; they live ~4 hours away and are Very Busy People)

So! There are things to be excited about, and one of my goals for September is to work on remembering that.

The other goals: remember I’m trying to lose weight, not gain it; and actively work on submitting stories to anthologies/contests.

Oh, and get that Kickstarter thing going.

I can do this!

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0 thoughts on “Weird Summer – a blog post

  1. Over here this year has been dry, then this month we’ve had almost three times the normal rain for August. Guess when I had two weeks of leave planned for! Monday is the beginning of spring…

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