Austin is Jenner’s grandson, which matters only for my notes.
He has sandy blonde hair, generally tousled and sun-bleached.
His face is shaped like this guy: https://p.gr-assets.com/540×540/fit/hostedimages/1379755857/164716.jpg but he’s a very smiley sort, always grinning.
His skin is sun-baked, darkly tanned. His eyes are light hazel.
He’s a short kid, he’ll eventually reach around 5’6″ tall, wiry, athletic.
He has cat ears – tawny yellow, like a ginger kitty, with white fuzz on the inside – whiskers, and a long kitty tail (long-furred, so like http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_j-BKTeYR_0s/THAKwRWRatI/AAAAAAAABFM/9hDIuhl0BZs/s1600/AT+katt+2IMG_8170.jpg )
He’s wearing a simple black kimono (http://meninkimono.tumblr.com/image/98442096726) with a white under kimono and a grey-black-and-white plaid obi (pardon if terms are off, it’s been a long time)
What am I missing?
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