Please note I’m very tired and I’m not entirely sure about… like 9/10 of this piece. After Discoveries about Doomsday.
Luke leaned against the hallway wall for a minute, his wings splayed from a portrait of George Washington to one of Geronimo. He found his hand reaching for a weapon he’d politely not carried into town, and pressed his palms against his thighs instead.
Nehara’s gaze caught it all. “Sir?” She tilted her head, her voice softening. “Is… everything all right?”
Carefully, he folded his wings. Damnit, he had better control than this. “Learn something new every day.”
“As long as you live, my grandfather likes to say. And, being fae, that can be a long time and a lot of learning. Or so he says.” She bowed her head. “Sorry. I know, I’m just a kid.”
Luke know he wasn’t the most observant of guys – if nothing else, this new revelation rubbed that in – but he could tell that was out of as much character of Nehara’s as he’d been able to pick up already. “Hey.” He flapped his wings at her, just enough to get her attention. “I’ve been best friends with a succubus for centuries. I can notice a thing or two.”
Her lips curled, just a little bit. “We don’t have many, here. Succubi.”
“Jut you.”
“Well. Ah. You noticed.”
“I noticed.” He coughed. “I can notice something, once in a while. Even if I missed…”
“Something we’re pretty sure sa’Feu Drake meant everyone to miss?” She flashed him a bright smile. “Their crew is called ‘Boom’ for more than one reason, sir.”
“And we’ve been waiting for the explosion for decades.”
“Sonic boom, sir. I think that’s what it’s called.”
“Sonic…” He closed his wings tightly. “By the time we hear the sound, the explosion is already past.”
“Pretty sure you’re standing in the ‘pit’ sir.”
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Zita likes this theory, just as she likes other theories about them – I think she enjoys spreading outlandish rumors about her Crew as a hobby. (It’s truer than most of the rumors, too.)