The Cat’s Paw, a story continuation of the Aunt Family

I asked for Non-Addergoole Prompts here; this is to [profile] kiarrith‘s request for More Cat.

Aunt Family has a landing page here.

This comes after Family Secrets & Cat Secrets, which itself is after Cats & Grannies. and Cat’s in the Attic.

Beryl had the book now.

Radar found himself pacing, which was not common Radar behaviour, and possibly (he was no longer really certain) not really cat behaviour either. The family needed a strong, knowledgeable witch – Aunt, whatever – again. Eva did not want to be steered, which was good. But it meant that Radar was going to have to work sideways around things.

Radar was not good at working sideways, and he wasn’t really certain if it was the best idea. But, while he had been instilled with certain values, he had not been given precognizance, which he felt showed a lack of foresight on his creators’ parts. So he had to guess.

Guessing meant he’d put the most important book in the family’s history in the hands of a teenager – not even definitely the next Aunt, no matter what the family thought, although she was definitely already a witch – and hoped that she wouldn’t spill her soda on it or, possibly worse, spill the beans to all and sundry.

Beryl was proving good at keeping secrets so far. If he’d had fingers to cross, Radar would have crossed them.

Instead, he paced, while nearby, Beryl sat with the book, a laptop, a family dictionary, and a notebook open, taking precise notes on everything she read.

Finally, content that she was far too engrossed to notice him, Radar hopped up on the dresser and slid her cursed necklace over his own neck.

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

0 thoughts on “The Cat’s Paw, a story continuation of the Aunt Family

      • Answers! The Kobo I read and comment on has an on-screen keyboard, and it’s autocorrect is sometimes off. Sorry! It also don’t let me see my messages easily, so tracking replies to my comments is hard. But it lets me be on LJ near daily and commenting on new stuff as opposed to “Why did Eseme just now comment on something I posted last month?”

    • Well, inhabited (and talkative), but Radar and the inhabitant (Joseph, one of Beryl’s … great grandfathers?) don’t get along very well. 🙂

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