The Border, a continuation of “Itty Bitty Package” and “Courier Duty”

After Itty Bitty Package ane Courier Duty. To [personal profile] thnidu‘s commissioned continuation.

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Pregnant? Pretza was unsure if she was more surprised at that or at his correct assessment of her as female. It must be the way she was carrying her package, against her stomach and chest and under her clothes.

It was a gift, and she should not kick the tires on a gift rover too much. “Sir.” It was no trouble at all to make her voice sound tired or stressed. “I need to get -“

He dropped his voice to a whisper. “Where everyone with any sense needs to get, of course. Orion Free Territory is just over that hill. But there’s a Corbetian contingent between here and there, girl. And you may not be my daughter, but I won’t hand you over either way.”

He took her hand. “This way.”

Tip Package 😉

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