Today’s prompt is from lilfluff: Your favorite games
I like games, although I am not the board game fanatic that some of my friends are. I grew up playing gin rummy with my dad, Uno with my grandmother, Yahtzee with family & Monopoly whenever I could get people to play with me. My first fiance and I played Pente a lot, and he made a stab at teaching me chess, but i have little patience for strategy.
And, of course, I’m a gamer, so there’s things like World of Darkness – Vampire, Werewolf, Changeling, etc., in primarily Live-action but also tabletop forms. I’m facinated by EarthDawn/ShadowRun but have never played them. And, while we’re talking about roleplaying, I enjoy playing in my own settings most of all.
Computer games: I try not to get too involved, or I lose months. I liked Flight Rising until they were mean to Djinni, at which point I lost interest completely. I was utterly into Glitch until they folded, much sadface all around. And currently I’m into FarmVille, much to my enjoyment and consternation.
Games! I like playing Scrabble with my husband, although he almost always wins. And we’ve been playing Carcasonne lately, and I really enjoy that a lot.
I suppose “my favorite” game is the one I’m into at the moment, whatever moment that might happen to be.
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Haven’t played Carcasonne myself yet, but watched a few games and it does look fun. And oh man, Glitch 🙁