Archive | December 31, 2014

Happy New Year 4 hours 4 minipromptcalls: Regeneration

Happy New Year!

If you leave me a prompt on the topic of regeneration between now and 11:00 EST, I will write a few (20-150) words on that prompt!

I reserve the right to write as few or as many as I want to in that time. Also, I have a bottle of Mogen David & am a happy camper.

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

Butterfly Colony, a story for the random prompt call

“So, let me get this straight.”

Alphonze Tertianno was a career bureaucrat, but he was thorough and conscientious about the paper he pushed & the beans he counted, although both were of the electron sort, of course.

“In the personal luggage of one colonist-“

“Which does not go through the same thorough decontamination as everything else,” offered the unhappy reporting assessor.

“-which does not go through the same decon as everything else, there were pupae?”

“Papilio aegeus, sir. Citrus butterflies.”

“And they…”

“They appeared to like the climate of Somascha Four, yes.” The assessor was being very patient. Either that, or she was trying not to laugh.

“…whose native species survive primarily on a series of…”

“On a very citrus-like plant, yes, sir.”

“Are you telling me Matthias Cornellius introduced a chaos butterfly onto our colony?”

“That…” It wasn’t a laughing matter. But it was a matter of laugh or cry, and thus… “yes. That is exactly what I am trying to tell you, sir.”

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

New Year’s Prompt Story 1: Chrysalis

3rd Generation; Phanessa is Eriko’s grandkid

Corbet wasn’t sure what to do when his Kept went into the closet after dinner and didn’t come out.

He’d been trying to be good to her, but Phanessa was from a protective enclave and even Addergoole was a bit rough for her fragile self. So he let her stay there, thinking she wanted some privacy.

When she hadn’t come out by bedtime, he peeked – only to find her wrapped in some sort of hard cocoon.

By the time she emerged – late in October – he’d given up on ever having a proper Kept and made other arrangements for his second child.

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

Happy New Year 4 hours 4 minipromptcalls: Butterflies

Happy New Year!

If you leave me a prompt on the topic of butterflies between now at 10:00 EST, I will write a few (20-150) words on that prompt!

I reserve the right to write as few or as many as I want to in that time. Also, I have a bottle of Mogen David & am a happy camper.

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.