Archive | January 2015

Addergoole TVTropes Page Needs Help! (Lots of Help)

It was brought to my attention that the Addergoole TVTropes page (, which I thought had been deleted for PWP problems, is still active.

And um, it needs help. The tropes have no descriptions, spoilers, or bad (inaccurate or silly) descriptions. They are often not cross-linked. There are some missing, the description is okay (straight off the main page; I can’t complain too much) but I think fails to cover exactly how dark Ag is.

So… I don’t know how many entries yet, that’s open to negotiation, but let’s start with, I’ll write 250 words (related to the tropes in question, somehow, or something else at your request) for the first 5 entries people fix. Comment here with fixed things.


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Did you know I have a Patreon? Check it out!

Did you know that I have a Patreon?

If you enjoy reading my fiction here – or at Edally Academy, at Jumping Rings, or Addergoole – please consider becoming a Patron. Every little bit helps support my writing time and gets me closer to my goal of being a full-time writer.

Any donation at all gets you access to at least one Patreon-only microfiction a month! $5 or more a month lets you vote in the monthly theme poll, and $7 a month will open up a secret flash fiction each month when the total donations reach $75/month.

In addition, for every $15/month of Patreon donations, Edally Academy will post an extra chapter; for every $20/month, Inner Circle posts an extra chapter, meaning your monthly donation helps fund three different goals!

The first donation level is $75, and we’re currently at $19. Fifty-six dollars to go!

At $75, my writing is helping fund more than just my take-out habit. This level is where it actually starts helping to pay the bills. And at $75, I’ll write two flash fictions (~750 words) a month for Patreons – one for all Patreons, and one for those at the $7 or higher level.

Check out that and all the other incentive levels today!

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Rix-Scaedu’s Prompt Call Open

Rix_Scaedu has a prompt call open from now through Monday morning her (Australian) time.

The theme is “change and the challenges and adventures that come out of it.” Prompting is free; tipping gets you more words, as does signal boosting.

(Boost, boost.)

So go prompt!

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Kink/Fluff/Angst Meme: Doug

This story starts in the middle of Doug Gets a Hug and ends after it. Doug, Ana, and Teal are Addergoole characters.

The girl had a boy. So help him, Doug was not going to make it through her four years sane.

She – Ana, Anastasia the dancer, Ana the pert, Ana oro’Willow – didn’t exactly have a boy, because Teal himself had an oro’ at the end of his name, and his Keeper was the possessive sort. But when Teal and Ana danced – and Teal danced, of course he did – Doug could watch the sparks. And that wasn’t all he could watch. It was a good thing neither Keeper was in the habit of visiting their dance practices.

He wasn’t going to survive the next four years, but it might be a fun way to go crazy.


She’d been waiting for him the day after Willow left, leaning against his apartment door and wearing a little trenchcoat that was unseasonable, unneeded inside, and entirely tantalizing.

She’d at least waited until they were inside his apartment – but not until the door was all the way closed – to show him exactly how much she wasn’t wearing underneath. And then, for several athletic, dexterous, and wonderful hours, she’d shown him quite a few other things.

Doug was happy. He was actually smiling, something he couldn’t quite remember doing before, or at least not in quite a while. But, being himself, he couldn’t help poking at it.

“What about the boy?” She had her head pillowed on his chest, so he was talking to the top of her head. “You like him.”

She looked up at him, a smile dancing on her lips. “Nobody ever said I only had to ‘like’ one person.” The smile slipped, her expression and her voice suddenly serious. “Did they?”

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Trope Bingo – Faoedus Planetarum – The Tod’cxeckz’ri Paper Part II

To fill square one-two on my card for [community profile] trope_bingo. Story two of a new series.

First: The Tod’cxeckz’ri Paper Part I

No Ao3 standard warnings apply.

Jahnan had one of the richest bounties of her career literally in her grasp. She also had an earring that said that she’d married him under Tod’cxeckz’ri law and a paper telling her how to get rid of him and the earring, and a Tod’cxeckz’ri clerk smirking at her from behind the safety of his counter.

She ran her thumb down the list. “Okay. First choice is your parole officer. Kill two birds with one stone that way.”

“No way.” Yira Trembane shook his head. “I am not going within a star system of that maniac if I can avoid it.”

“You know the terms of your parole included not leaving the star system.”

“Why they were stupid enough to parole me in the first place I’ve never figured out.” Yira smirked. “He’s out. How about my ex-wife? Well… my first ex-wife.”

“Isn’t that the one all the media were calling ‘Bonnie to your Clyde?’” That had been several years ago – and two prison escapes and a parole violation past.

“Right until she Bonnied right up my Clyde, yeah. I’m sure she’s willing to say I’m a lousy husband.”

“And I’m not willing to get within a planet of her. All right. How about…” She ran her finger down the list.

“How about my mother? She’ll get me out of anything.” Yira’s grin was irrepressible.

“That’s what I’m worried about.” Jehnan shook her head. “Well, where’s she live?”

“Berich, Oswurn system.” He threw it off like he was talking about something in the core. Jehnan snorted.

“No. We’ll find someone else. That’s out in the Lawless territories.”

“They’re not really Lawless, you know.” It was the smirk that did it. “Worried about losing me?”

“Fine. Fine, we’ll go talk to your mother.” She was going to regret this, she knew it. But better losing the bounty then ending up stuck married to Yira Trembane.

“If we leave now, we ought to be able to catch the cross-system shuttle. It doesn’t stop in the Oswurn system, but it does stop in Cephapren. Bing, bang, boom, back here in ten days, plenty of time to get me out of your hands.”

It was Jahnan’s turn to smirk. “Who says we’re taking public transit? Come on, kiczka-husband, let’s go.” Every time she used the Tod’cxeckz’ri word for “submissive spouse,” he flinched. She was going to used it as often as possible between here and Berich and back again.

“I could start calling you ‘Kozel-wife,’ you know.” He wasn’t so much following her out of the claims office as he was allowing himself to be dragged along. It was better than the fighting-every-step-of-the-way he’d been until here, so Jahnan would take it.

“By all means, please feel free to call me ‘Mistress-wife.’ I’m sure your mother will love that.”

“My mother doesn’t speak Tod’cxeckz’ret.” Yira looked around; the spaceport was not exactly bustling, with nothing but a couple shuttle flights and some private ships waiting. “If we’re not going to the cross-system, where are we going?”

“My ship.” She did enjoy the ability to surprise someone like Yira Trembane. “What, did you think I followed around bail-jumpers and parole-skippers on public transit? I’d never catch anyone.”

“Fine with me. Then I’d still be in the wind.” He squirmed against the restraints; Jahnan tightened her grip. She’d lost him twice that way.

“Oh, someone would catch you. A big famous thief like you? All the bounty hunters are looking for you.” She pushed him forward with a hand on the small of his back. “Here’s my ship.”

He’d almost slipped the cuffs, but it wouldn’t matter in a moment. “This?” He whistled. “How’d a bounty hunter afford this?”

The Maru wasn’t a big ship – it could hold four people, sleep the same four, and had two coldsleep pods for emergencies – but it was sleek, pretty, and fast. “Let’s just say you aren’t the first high-profile runner I’ve caught. In with you.”

“Unh-unh.” He dug his feet in and balked. “Ships like these have those bratty smart computers.”

“Yeah, and you don’t think that collar you’re wearing does, too? You want to be my kiczka-husband forever?” She caught him just as he was turning around, the cuffs hanging uselessly off of his left wrist, and gave him a pointed shove. “Maru, catch.”

“Catching.” The nearest passenger seat rotated and pushed forward, shoving into Yira’s calves. He stumbled, and the armrests caught his wrists and wrapped restraints around both. “Caught.”

“Umnf.” Yira shifted. “See? Bratty smart computers.” While he got situated – the Maru wouldn’t let him go – Jahnan settled into the pilot’s seat and began punching in coordinates.

“What sort of drive – ow, I need that – does this thing have?” Yira shook his braids out of his face and wriggled against the still-moving seat. “Is it a Tungarian Twister? Those are pretty fast.”

“Oh, no. The last ship I had was a ‘Twister but this one’s a What-If Drive.” She flipped three switches and grabbed the handles, feeling the faint tingle through her hands. “You said Berich, right? Oswurn system?”

“A… No, no, no, no, no, no, let me off this ship right now…” Yria began struggling in earnest against the seat. The Maru hummed in his ear and wrapped him up a little bit tighter, soft restraints covering his forehead and his lap.

“Almost there. Close your eyes and think of home.” She squeezed the handles and pushed forward, using the mundane rockets to lift them off the ground. “Five, four, three, two, one…”

Yira screamed. The Maru moved between worlds, stopping briefly in the infinite of possibilities.

“Okay, where are we landing? It’s a big planet.”

“Bienville… starcrud, I hate those things. I always think I’m going to leave part of me in another dimension.” He twitched against the restraints. “Can I have a hand?” For the first time, Yira Trembane sounded plaintive. “Just to check?”

“Bienville Sud or Bienville Equatorial? Big planet, Yira.”

“You know Berich?” He peeled his eyes open. “Oh, we’re really there. Bienville Sud-Est, there’s a tiny spaceport at-” He rattled off coordinates; Jahnan punched them in, and checked to be sure they led to an actual landing place. “My mother’s place isn’t far from there, if we rent a carre.”

“I can tell this is going to be fun. Still, sooner we do it, the sooner I can turn you in.”

“And the sooner I’m free of your insane ship. It’s pinching me!”

“She likes to do that.”

It took them twenty minutes to land and another twenty for Jahnan to get Yira back in proper restraints and into a waiting carre. She’d pulled up his mother’s name from the dataweb and used that to find the woman’s address – it was actually rather close to the Bienville Sud-Est spaceport – rather than trust Yira’s directions.

The carre zoomed along the packed-dirt roads – Bienville really was a backwater, but at least the rental carre had good lifts – while Yira squirmed and fussed. “Maybe we shouldn’t…”

“It was your idea. And there aren’t many people on that list that we’d both want to talk to.”

“But I mean, do I have to be in these?” He held up his hands the short centimeters the chain would allow, displaying the shackles linked to his belt. “They make me look like some sort of-”

“Theif? Jailbreaker?”

“Criminal. Here, to the right before the swamp,” he gestured awkwardly. “It’s the little road you can barely see between the mock-cypress and the weed-tree.”

The carre’s positioning software was telling her the same thing. Jahnan swung right onto an even less-maintained dirt path, the carre’s lifts having a hard time of the potholes and – really?! – tire tracks. But the software said they were almost there.

Yira’s mother, it appeared, lived in a crate home, a sealed-seam collection of plastifoam shipping crates, this one stacked three high and at least four deep. A crate had been cut in half lengthwise to serve as a porch, and the front door was salvage from another crate. Jahnan parked the carre next to an older but still-quality carre of a very similar model.

“Don’t go to the front door. Nobody but government and cops go do the front door.” Yira tilted his head off to the side of the structure. “Over there. She’ll know we’re coming, of course.”

“Of course.” Jahnan unbuckled Yira from the seat and “helped” him out of the carre – keeping a grip on him the whole time, of course – and walked as casually as captor-holding-tight-to-captive could walk up to the captive’s mother’s side door.

The door was open before Jahnan could knock, and the barrel of a pulse rifle greeted her. “What are you doing with my son?”

“Ma-ma-a-n,” Yira whined. “Don’t shoot.”

Jahnan cleared her throat. “Hon Joceye” (or so the data had said she was called), “I’m a bounty hunter, name of Nehanani Jahnan, and in claiming Yira Trembane as lawful catch-”

“There’s nothing lawful to catch my son at!” She waved the rifle in Jahnan’s face. “So there’s no way he could be your lawful catch.”

“Be that as it may,” she glanced at Yira, but he was cringing away from his mother as if the rifle was pointed at him, “the bounty was posted, and I was attempting to claim Yira-”

“My son ne est pas un criminal!”

“I believe you, ma’am. However, the bounty was there- Yira?”

“She won’t listen to me any more than she will to you.” He shrugged. “Maman, Hon Nehanani caught me.” He held up his cuffed wrists. “And the Tod’cxeckz’ri-”

“What were you doing in Tod’cxeckza?” The bellow was ear-searing and the rifle was now pointed at Yira. “Only criminals and perverted little beans go to Tod’cxeckza, and I did not raise you to be any sort of perverted criminal, Yira Mikalla Trembane.”

Jahnan put herself between mother and son. “Hon Joceye-”

“Don’t you hon me, missy. Get out of the way and let me deal with my son as he ought to be dealt with. Being on Tod’cxeckza – Yira, what are you wearing around your neck?” Her eyes slipped from Yira’s collar to the earring on Jahnan’s ear. “Oh, no, you don’t. You two get off my property.” She shook the rifle again.


“You get gone, now, or I will remind you what it is to be your maman. You don’t come back until you’ve cleansed all Tod’cxeck poison out of your mind. I did not raise you to be someone’s pet. And you.” The rifle pointed steadily at Jahnan’s skull. “I don’t ever want to see you again.”

“We’re leaving, maman.” Yira tugged on Jahnan’s arm with both hands. “Aren’t we, Kozel-wife?”

Jahnan let herself be tugged. “Yes.” She hadn’t had a weapon pointed at her in quite a while. “Yes, let’s be leaving.” She hoped Yira had more than one parent still alive.

Next for Story: Mad in Atter
Next for Trope Bingo:

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Time Jenga? A post by Ysabet

[personal profile] ysabetwordsmith posted an interesting concept here in response to the “fixed point in time” time-travelling concept:

    Time Jenga. There are not fixed points in time. There are load-bearing points in time. They cannot be altered while the weight is resting on them, because it pins them in place. …

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Landing Page: Foedus Planetarum

The universe is a wide, large place, far larger than we originally imagined.

“There are over a hundred different human variants in the Known Universe, Yira, and, say, a hundred, two hundred nations, colonies, and cultures for each variant.”

Hundreds of millions of humanoid peoples roam the galaxy in this space-opera setting.

Jahnan & Yira – the Tod’cxeckz’ri Paper Story
This story is somewhere between a buddy/Odd Couple comedy and a romance, and begins with a bounty hunter/captive relationship.
It includes, so far: bondage. Unwilling (but legal) imprisonment. Dubcon D/s (at least in theory)

Other Stories


Icon of Jahnan by itsamellama and of Yira by djinni.


Amrit is Introduced to His New Life (Fae Apoc, Amrit/Mieve)

First: A beginning of a story which obnoxiously cuts off just before the description,
Previous: In Which Mieve Considers Her New Purchase.
Fae Apoc, approx. now.

Content Warnings: This setting, although not this ficlet, contains rape, mind control, and dubious consent situations.

This particular story contains kidnapping and slavery, bondage, and will eventually contain violence & Stockholm Syndrome.


“Water,” she’d said, and, more importantly, “beer.” Water – or beer – meant she’d take the gag out. Hopefully, it meant she’d take the shackles off, too.

She guided him over a threshold, closed some sort of door behind them, and sighed as she threw the bolt. Like that would keep him inside! A few dozen more shuffling shackled steps, and Amrit found something being pressed to the backs of his knees.

“Sit down, and I’ll get some of those chains off of you.” Her voice was muffled, but chains off was clear enough. Amrit sat.

She did something to his ankles first – it felt like she unlocked the shackles but left one attached to his right leg – and then his hands were unlocked. Amrit reached for the hood, only to find his hands being slapped away.

He grumbled into the gag, but the pressure on his throat loosened and the hood came off. Amrit blinked into the dim evening sunlight, letting his eyes adjust.

“I’m going to replace this collar with something less horrid. And then I’ll get you that beer.”

Collar. Amrit’s hands went to the piece of wood around his neck. He could still feel the pricking of the hawthorn; the damn slavers had been taking no chances at all.

But she was going to take it off? And she was going to take the gag out. Was she that stupid? Was it going to be that easy?

Amrit’s vision was beginning to clear. They were in a small kitchen in what looked like a small cottage. The window in front of him was curtained, but the lacy white curtains let in plenty of light.

The collar came off with a pop; just as quickly, a cool metal presence replaced it. Amrit reached for the new collar, only to have his hands slapped away again.

“This goes a lot smoother if you cooperate. Not that I expect that, given the evidence I have. But one can hope.”

She tugged the gag out of his mouth, then stepped back prudently as Amrit made a grab for her. “That doesn’t count as cooperating.”

“Fuck you, lady.”

“Ooh, another word.” She poured water into a glass from a jug on the counter and slid it across the table to Amrit. “At this rate, you might manage a full sentence soon.”

Amrit was not amused. “Fuck you.” He took the water, though. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a drink.

She took the chair across the table from him and sipped on her own glass of water. “My name is Mieve.”

Amrit didn’t answer. Names had power. The water was cool and sweet and tasted absolutely perfect.

She coughed. “Somehow, unsurprised. All right, unnamed person in my house. This is how it’s going to be. You’ll belong to me – whether by Ellehemaei Law or by local human law – for a period of time worth twice what I paid for you. At that point, I’ll free you and send you on your way with supplies, weapons, and trade goods.”

“Hunh.” It wasn’t going to happen. He’d be out of here before it ever came up. “How much stuff?”

Now she smiled. She had a nice smile, for a slave-owning bitch. “I miss money. But enough that you feel it’s a fair wage for time and I feel I haven’t lost on the deal.”

He pushed the water back across the table. She refilled it without comment and pushed it back to him.

“What kind of work?” He was guessing, from the cottage look, it probably wasn’t the same thing as Fineus the Whoremonger had wanted him for.

“Yard and garden work, working in the forest, a little bit of housework if you’re up to it.” She shrugged, as if it didn’t matter much to her. “There’s too much here for one person, but it’s a jack-of-all-trades sort of position.”

He finished the second glass of water. “You said something about beer?”

“I did.” She reached into a lower cupboard and pulled out a jug, passing that, too, over to him. Now that, that he could use as a weapon. After he drank some, of course.

“You make this sound like a job interview.” He uncorked the jug and took a long swig. It was pleasantly cold, thick and hoppy. It was a shame to waste it; he drank some more.

“Well, in a way, it is. You didn’t have any choice in the hiring, and my choice was limited. But you’ve got the job now, whether we want it or not.”

He could feel the itch where the hawthorn had been. He wondered if he could do magic yet. Probably best not to risk it right away; it would definitely tip his hand.

He swigged more beer. “Fuck you, Lady.”

“Aah, back to your refrain. I figure you’ll get sick of that soon enough.”

“No way in hell.” He launched the beer jug at her head with all his strength.

It stopped in mid-air, and Amrit was pushed back into his chair by an invisible hand. “Nice try.” The beer settled down on the table, just out of his reach. “But you telegraph your moves something fierce.” She walked around the table to him, while he struggled against the phantom grip. “Now, you can open your mouth for the gag or I can open it for you.”


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Two Weeks in Alder

Some Stories
Observing, a side story of the Unicorn/Factory
The Bishop Speaks, a story of FairyTown
Impossible Projects, a story of Science!
The Ramifications of Hair, a continuation of Tir na Cali

Check out This story, written in 2012

Kink/Fluff/Angst Meme: Jamian
Turn left Story One: Baram’s Elves
Turn Left Story Two: The Damn Cat

A New Year, some new goals (a blog post)
December Meme Day Eighteen – TV Shows

Tir Na Cali Landing Page Updated Description
The Four Undramatic Plot Structures, a Cartoon
A Rough Timeline of the Faerie Apoc, Part I
Thinking about creating a new bingo community – feedback requested
Stranded World Landing Page Updated

Other People’s Fiction
Check out Tapestry, by my friend Wysteria
And Dragon Wars, by my friend Becka Sutton

Edally Academy: The Angry Aetherist Chapter Twenty

Something Cold, Something Hot Rin/Girey, Later in timeline
Some Perspective, Luke/Doomsday
Answering, Luke/doomsday
Meet Feeya (Neska) – an Addergoole RP character
In Which Mieve Considers Her New Purchase Amrit/Mieve – Fae Apoc post-apoc
Thanks, Tir na Cali/New Year
Description: Edora
Being a Puppy,a continuation of “Puppies,” Tir na Cali
Agreed, a continuation of “Arrangements”

Trope Bingo card for [community profile] trope_bingo
Description: Jahnan
Trope Bingo, The Tod’cxeckz’ri Paper Part I
Standards, a story of Jahnan and Yira for #3WW
Mad in Atter, Jahnan & Yira for Thimbleful Thursday

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