Archive | February 5, 2015

February Theme Poll

If you have donated/commissioned/tipped at least $5 since October 15, 2015, you may vote in this poll.

I will write at least one public and one private ficlet to the winning theme this month, more as the mood and time strike me.

Voting will close Monday, February 9th at noon EST

The themes:

1. Stranded World (Setting)
2. Fae Apoc (Setting)
3. Love Stories (motif)
4. Hurt/Comfort (motif)
5. micro-flash-fiction (type)
6. Demifiction (type) – 1 vote
7. Vas’ World (Setting)
8. Dragons Next Door (Setting)
9. Obsession (motif)
10. Music and song (motif) – 1 vote

If you’re not sure if you can vote, please feel free to ask. Thanks!

Become a Patreon Patron OR Commission something via Paypal.

As a Patreon patron, you’ll have access to Patreon-only fiction.

Commission a story, and I’ll write you your very own fiction, 250 words for every $5.

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

I Live! (Blog post)

I’ve been a little quiet the last couple weeks, at least compared to my normal output.

I’ve been working on submissions and commissions primarily – see New Year’s Resolution of 4 submissions/month, which I may have to modify. Currently, I’m working on a piece for a coming-soon project – it involves crows!

I’ve also been working on a commission from Kuro_neko: Year Zero Addergoole!

I’m still playing with Trope-Bingo (Jahnan & Yira) and my for-fun story (Amrit & Mieve), as well as Luke Visits Doomsday, but all three of those are better if posted in longer pieces instead of my normal 250-300-word blorts.

AND I’ve been considering taking some of my older pieces, re-working them, and releasing them as small collections.

Thus, a question for you: * What would you like to see as a collection (Setting, specific character, a story that stuck in your head)?

* And what do you think would sell?

Edited to add: Wyste reminds me that there was another question: * What should I do next/continue in regards to serials? More Edally? Angry Aetherist is nearing its end. More Addergoole? More Inner Circle?


This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.