Archive | February 19, 2015

On Mobbing Midnight and Exciting Stretch Goals / Donation Levels

Guys I’m a stretch goal!

Here on Mobbing Midnight, if we reach $12,000, I get to write another story! (all the crows, crows everywhere, so many crows).


If you donate at the $100 level, you get to be in my story (or someone else’s. I mean, that’s cool, too).

But, seriously. Come to school on a nethergate, where the crows might be demons and people really do exorcisms in their dorm rooms. Where magic might not be part of the curriculum, but it’s definitely in the Library. Where your every-day walk across campus might just be ruined by a malignant spell and nobody really knows if the Dean exists.

…sounds just like your kind of University, right?

And you could be there… fictionally, at least. Or, you know, send someone you don’t like there, or name the Uni itself after a close friend/family member/enemy.

It’ll be fun! Magical, even. 😉

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