Archive | February 2015

Mobbing Midnight Kickstarter is Live!

Crows, crows, and more crows: Mobbing Midnight is an anthology focused on the brilliant corvid!

Crows are peppered through world mythology and folklore- sometimes serving as a sign of ill luck, other times a trickster.

From American crows to hooded and carrion crows, pied crows to jungle crows- they come in as many shapes and in as many environments as we can dream up.

And my story is going to be in there, along with stories by fourteen other awesome authors!

Tentatively titled Crow Cage, it’s an urban fantasy tale of magic and mystery, following a murder of crows that are definitely more than they seem – and possibly more than that, too.

Check it out!

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February Theme Poll: Closed!

The February Theme Poll has closed! The winner (we had two votes; I flipped a virtual coin) is Music and Song: Motif.

There’ll be a few stories over that theme in the next 19 days.

Any prompts or suggestions?

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Domain Name Renewal Time – Help Requested


It’s the time of year where I renew and (Which is being difficult at the moment), which ends up being… slightly more than the two serials have earned in tips since I started posting them.

If you’ve been enjoying either serial and have the wherewithal, please put a tip in the Author’s cup:

For every $10 raised, I’ll write an story, answering in character a setting-relevant question, asked by y’all and picked by reader poll. I.e., a targeted bonus story.

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Amrit Splits Wood (FaeApoc, Amrit/Mieve)

First: A beginning of a story which obnoxiously cuts off just before the description,
Previous: A Bit of a Transitional Chapter, where Amrit and Mieve start to work .

Fae Apoc, approx. now.

Content Warnings: This setting, although not this ficlet, contains rape, mind control, and dubious consent situations.

This particular story contains kidnapping and slavery, bondage, violence, and will eventually contain Stockholm Syndrome.

She was plowing. Amrit had looked up from his log-splitting – looking, of course, to see if he had an opening for escape – to see his captor pushing a plow through the field. When she’d given him his choice of tasks, he hadn’t really expected her to take the other option.

She didn’t look strong enough to push that thing through the dirt like that. Maybe she was using her telekinesis, or whatever it was? Whatever it was, she was plowing up furrows nearly as quickly as Amrit was splitting wood.

She’d set him a goal. It wasn’t going to be an easy goal, and he didn’t think she’d meant it to be. But the more he split, the more Amrit realized it was a do-able goal; and he thought she’d done that on purpose, too.

What sort of woman was she? Amrit watched her as he split, as he stacked wood, as he set another log on the block and swung the ax, as he worried his mouth around the gag. He couldn’t be her first slave. But the room he was sleeping in had no signs of recent inhabitence.

He split wood, he stacked wood, he split some more wood, he chewed on the gag and tasted blood. At the rate he was going, the pile she’d set him in front of would take him a week, maybe more. The last settlement he’d lived in had heated with wood; this much could heat a place the size of her cabin for the whole winter.

Of course, he wouldn’t be here by then. He’d be long gone, somewhere far away from gags and chains and slave-owners.

The sun was high in the sky when she came over to him, and Amrit was dripping sweat despite the cool air. So, he noted, was she. She offered him a canteen, seeming unworried about the ax in his hands. Well, of course. She could take it from him.

Amrit set it down before she decided to, and gestured to the gag.


There was no point in arguing that; she was nearly as tall as he was, but it would still be easier for her to work the lock from above. Amrit knelt, a Working forming in his mind.

She hesitated with her hand on the lock. “Remember. No Workings, or I take your air.”

He could Work faster than she could steal his air. He grunted assent, and waited for the moment of freedom.

He didn’t even get out Meentik; he got as far as Mee when an invisible hand lifted him in the air, choking him. He saw spots in front of his eyes; his sinuses felt as if they were going to explode.

And then she set him down and handed him the canteen. “Drink fast.” If Amrit didn’t know better, he’d think she was angry with him. “I suppose we’ll skip lunch.”

“Fuck you, lady.” At least no Workings started with fuh. Amrit chugged down the water and waited for the gag.


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Keeping Secrets

Addergoole-‘verse, about 3 years after the end of the world. Warning: discussion of violence.

Also warning: it’s a fragment

“…and then…” Troia leaned forward over the table, already smiling. She loved this part of the story. She knew Achaeus loved it, too. It suited the violence of his Mara-blood; Troia had no such excuse. “I drove one last nail into her…” The door to the kitchen swung open, and Troia fell quiet.

Achaeus picked up for her. “Hey, Matt.”

She’d only been Keeping her former Keeper for a few days, and she had yet to accustom herself to the skittish refugee he’d become since the world ended. Troia smiled brightly at him, and was rewarded by a wan smile in return.

“We were just discussing breakfast. Any ideas?”

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Trope Bingo – Foedus Planetarum – The Tod’cxeckz’ri Paper Part III

To fill square one-two on my card for [community profile] trope_bingo. Story three of a new series.

First: The Tod’cxeckz’ri Paper Part I

Previous in Trope Bingo: The Tod’cxeckz’ri Paper Part II

Previous in Story: Standards

No Ao3 standard warnings apply.

“Do you seduce every bounty hunter that catches you?” Yira Trembane had his hand halfway up Jahnan’s thigh, and it was creeping ever higher. She was having trouble focusing on the navigation – not a good idea, when using a WhatIf drive. She didn’t want to end up stuck in some alternate-history where he had captured her.

“You make it sound like I get caught a lot.” His hand slid just an inch further up.

Jahnan closed her eyes and thought about trees. “Your dataslip says you did. Seventeen arrests since you turned twenty, and half of those for escape-from-custody. How many times did you escape by seduction?”

“Only three. Four if you count… well, three. But I can’t get away from you, don’t you remember?” He tapped the collar around his throat. “We don’t know what this thing will do to me… kozel-wife.”

The Tod’cxeckz’ri clerk had locked the thing on him, the same time said clerk put an earring on Jahnan’s ear and a bracelet on her wrist, the same time they were, through a paperwork misunderstanding, declared husband and wife by a Tod’cxeckz’ri law. Jahnan had just wanted to claim her bounty on the infamous thief; Yira had just wanted to get back into jail so he could escape again.

“‘Four if you count…?’” she prompted.

“Oh. Well, there was this one time.” He leaned back in his seat, his hands tangled in his braids. “I didn’t escape, exactly. I was planet-hopping, having just disposed of an Mestonian Diamond-”

“A Mestonian Diamond?” That one wasn’t in his dossier, and Jahnan could see why. The Meston Syndicate was unbreakable – or so their reputation would have it.”

“Not that I’d admitting to anything. But I was planet-hopping, as I said…”

    and there I found myself on an omnibus between Soffen Seven and Mark Four. The public transit in that part of the galaxy is really nice, posh, polite, and they don’t ask questions. I’ve used it more than a few times – in the past, of course.

    But this time, I found myself sitting right next to the bounty hunter Ueda Tsutomu. Now Ueda has quite a reputation to begin with – I’m sure you’ve heard of him – and, while I really wouldn’t want to cross him, he’s generally very polite. However, I had at least two bounties on my head at the time, to say nothing of what the Mestona might have done under the radar. So Ueda was pretty much the last person in the universe I wanted to see.

    And for about the first third of the trip, I thought I might be doing okay. Sure, my braids are a bit distinctive, but I’d done the old dress-as-a-pilgrim trick that covers nine-tenths of everything you might notice about me, and I was hunching down in my seat and reading an old flat-screen comic on my reader. And Ueda was reading notes – he wasn’t hunting me, you see. He was after a small-time criminal who’d pissed off even more ‘wrong’ people than I had. And I think I would have gotten away if the Omnibus hadn’t tried to occupy the same space as a tour liner.

    So there were were, all of a sudden, skid-slip-starcrud, crash-landed on a backwater planet that had three exports: an opiate-like thing, its lovely boys and girls, and tourist kitch. And the way the bus landed, well, Ueda Tsutomu landed right on top of me.

    Have you met him? Ueda Tsutomu is a very handsome man, and he’s built out of rock and brick – solid, absolutely solid. And he took a good look at my eyes, and then one braid escaped, the way they do – they don’t have minds of their own, we’re not actually Medusas, that’s just a myth, but sometimes they, ah, snake out – and he was there, looking at my eyes and that nose, and one Medusa braid, and, well, he knew who I was.

    What would you do? I mean, we weren’t going anywhere for a while, but the place we’d landed on didn’t have enough civilization for me to get properly lost in. So I kissed him.

    Don’t let anyone lie to you about Ueda Tsutomu. He may be a hard-ass, but he can kiss like nobody’s business. And as for the rest…

    …we were stuck on that backwater for two weeks while they sorted out the wreckage. Tsutomu and I left our little cabin… maybe twice. Three times, I lie. Because we went to the beach. Although that’s a little bit fuzzy. That opiate-type they sell? It grows in a seagrass on all their northern beaches, and, yes, we’d landed in the north. The southern hemisphere, I’ve been told, actually has industry.

    “The long and the short of is is, Tsutomu never asked my name, and I never told him. We went with the polite fiction that I was, indeed, a Medusan on pilgrimage back home, just… not the one I was. And I left there with far more of a working knowledge of that particular bounty hunter.

Yira ended his story with a leer. Jahnan, who couldn’t help but notice the way Yira’s hand on her thigh twitched and moved every time he mentioned Ueda Tsutomu, could only shake her head.

“I thought you didn’t like being called Medusan. Me – Shimestrians, that is.”

“We don’t.” Yira grinned widely at her. “But when a man like Ueda Tsutomu is talking, believe me, you’ll let him call you anything you want.”

Jahnan watched the way he smiled, and wondered, if the story was true, who, exactly, had seduced whom. “So,” she coughed. “You only seduce most of your captors. I feel so special.”

Next: IV

If you are reading from Trope Bingo, Part IV is not part of the bingo but an integral part of the story.

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February Theme Poll

If you have donated/commissioned/tipped at least $5 since October 15, 2015, you may vote in this poll.

I will write at least one public and one private ficlet to the winning theme this month, more as the mood and time strike me.

Voting will close Monday, February 9th at noon EST

The themes:

1. Stranded World (Setting)
2. Fae Apoc (Setting)
3. Love Stories (motif)
4. Hurt/Comfort (motif)
5. micro-flash-fiction (type)
6. Demifiction (type) – 1 vote
7. Vas’ World (Setting)
8. Dragons Next Door (Setting)
9. Obsession (motif)
10. Music and song (motif) – 1 vote

If you’re not sure if you can vote, please feel free to ask. Thanks!

Become a Patreon Patron OR Commission something via Paypal.

As a Patreon patron, you’ll have access to Patreon-only fiction.

Commission a story, and I’ll write you your very own fiction, 250 words for every $5.

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I Live! (Blog post)

I’ve been a little quiet the last couple weeks, at least compared to my normal output.

I’ve been working on submissions and commissions primarily – see New Year’s Resolution of 4 submissions/month, which I may have to modify. Currently, I’m working on a piece for a coming-soon project – it involves crows!

I’ve also been working on a commission from Kuro_neko: Year Zero Addergoole!

I’m still playing with Trope-Bingo (Jahnan & Yira) and my for-fun story (Amrit & Mieve), as well as Luke Visits Doomsday, but all three of those are better if posted in longer pieces instead of my normal 250-300-word blorts.

AND I’ve been considering taking some of my older pieces, re-working them, and releasing them as small collections.

Thus, a question for you: * What would you like to see as a collection (Setting, specific character, a story that stuck in your head)?

* And what do you think would sell?

Edited to add: Wyste reminds me that there was another question: * What should I do next/continue in regards to serials? More Edally? Angry Aetherist is nearing its end. More Addergoole? More Inner Circle?


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Blood on the Stone

* The next time an icon day comes around, someone remind me I need a good icon of some sort for Fairy Town?
* Written to flofx‘s commissioned prompt: A continuation of Old Stories and old Fates.
* Fairy Town has a landing page here..

There were things those people in their tainted church would never say. There were things that no-one in this tainted town would even whisper, not even Bishop MacNamilla. There were things that you didn’t even think.

And one of those things was this: there were fairies and fairies. There were the things that looked like people, that you called “fairies,” or didn’t really even call that so much as shape the label around the space they filled. They went to work with you, if you were a lay person. They owned houses and shopped and, to a casual tourist, looked human. But they were a little strange, a little eccentric, a little tainted.

And then there were the demons that were actually fairies, the spirits and sprites, goblins and boggarts, monsters and mice, and they hid in the wild spaces, lurked around the gateways, lingered anywhere there were too many of the first sort, anywhere there was belief, anywhere the god had touched.

This altar, the place where it was said the god had Lain His Hand, was so thick with fairies it was a wonder the Bishop could move at all.

And every single one of them had heard of him. Is this the one that killed us? Is this the one that shed the blood?

Fairies, true fairies, had ways of knowing who you were that didn’t rely on faces or fingerprints or skin that was once smooth and now was sagging. Fairies, the real ones, it was said, knew your souls.

Bishop MacNamilla figured that was probably true. Most demons would, wouldn’t they?

He stood, his feet spread and his arms loose at his sides. So he had stood, once, explaining to the elders what needed to happen. So he had stood, over the graves of the demons, over the graves of the fairies, his hands soaked with their blood. So he had stood, when he had been weak.

He had let the children go, the spawn. He had let some of the females go, too. And the final nail in their coffin, the living victim – he had not been able to do that, either. He had been weak.

And now he was far, far weaker in body – and far, far stronger in will. He straightened his spine and looked at them, the demons deep in this holy place.

Is he the one? Is this the spirit-killer? Is this the Unholy Thing? Their voices buzzed around him. Their hands brushed over him, leaving places that were too hot or too cold. Their noses sniffed at him, rubbing their scent over him in turn. They couldn’t let it stand. They couldn’t let him live, not after what he’d done.

He was ready for it. Bishop MacNamilla raised his chin and looked them in as much of eyes as any of them had. They would kill him, of course. And his blood would spill over the god-stone. And then the world would shudder and the old magic, the old divinity, would awaken, and all this taint would be cleansed from the world.

His vision was blurring. The Bishop realized with some alarm that he was having trouble breathing. He was seeing spots. He was…

He slumped to the ground in front of the god-stone, his blood unspilled.

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