Archive | April 6, 2015

April A-Z Blogging Challenge: E is for Elves

The Meme Master Post

E is for Elves, for fairer or worse

Elves are wonderful. They provoke wonder.
Elves are marvellous. They cause marvels.
Elves are fantastic. They create fantasies.
Elves are glamorous. They project glamour.
Elves are enchanting. They weave enchantment.
Elves are terrific. They beget terror.
The thing about words is that meanings can twist just like a snake, and if you want to find snakes look for them behind words that have changed their meaning.
No one ever said elves are nice.
Elves are bad

This quote, by Terry Pratchett (“Lords and Ladies”), along with some Shakespeare and Tam Lin by Pamela Dean and Beauty by Sherri Tepper, all of that has colored my impression of fae, faeries, fairies. Add onto that the Changeling I mentioned in “D”, where the sidhe where the hereditary rulers who had gone away for hundreds of years (*Cough* fae apoc *cough*) and, now that they were back, assumed they should rule once again – (I had this habit of playing a rebel – angry Eshu, bloodthirsty satyr…)

Elves are terrific. They beget terror.

The Grigori in Fae Apoc are the closest, I think, to the elves that I keep in my head – tall, imposing, beautiful, arrogant, self-ordained to rule and unbudging in that mandate. The Grigori are all of those things, everything except pointed ears. (and there are fae in Fae Apoc with pointy ears. Eris. Mabina-and-Cassidy. Caity. Llew, who I forgot until I needed an icon. I like pointed ears a lot, okay? If I didn’t have to work a day job, I might point my own ears).

*Cough* all right. So I suppose the sum of that is: in my head, elves are beautiful assholes. And they’re great as semi-antagonists: see Regine. Aesthetically… mm, those ears.

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April A-Z Blogging Challenge: D is for Dragons

The Meme Master Post

D is for Dragons, with gold for a bed

You know, I don’t remember being a dragons sort of girl. The winged-cat-people people don’t have dragons. Most of my early fantasy doesn’t have dragons. Elves, yes, horses, lots. Not so many dragons.

Addergoole got dragons on a whim. After all, Aelfgar needed something big to be fighting! (Actually, I think the parent story of Addergoole, Whisky Lullaby, first introduced the dragons. The same concept, though: so’jers have been fighting dragons as long as the faerie apoc ‘verse has existed.) Dragons Next Door was born as a 15-minute fiction prompt: “obnoxious dragons.” (here).

More than that: I came late to Pern, and read very little other fantasy involving dragons. I’ve enjoyed dragon movies, mostly for their spectacular effects, even when everything else in the movie (*cough* “The D&D Movie”) sucked. But dragons… dragons for me are more common as a metaphor.

I went through a period where my favorite phrase was “sometimes the maiden is safer with the dragon.” I was playing – in a LARP (Changeling: the Dreaming) – a satyr seer paired with a redcap (in that setting, the most violent of the “acceptable” “non-monster” fae). There were times when someone tried to convince my little satyr she was safer with the “good guys” – that’s where the concept came from. Dragons are the honest monsters, the safe ones. You know where you stand with something fifty feet long with scales and claws. Safer, maybe, then a would-be-white-knight.

…I should write that story sometime. I wonder what I’d do with it now, a decade later.

I think my favorite dragons story I’ve actually gotten to read would be the Dragon Librarian story eseme was writing many years ago. And this may be my favorite dragon art, by M.C.A. Hogarth.

Dragons ho!

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