Archive | June 22, 2015

A couple tweeted snippets of stories, based on @anke’s suggestion





(Livejournal shows the tweets better; I suggest clicking through & reading them there)

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Quick, Click, written for last week’s @MicroBookends

(I didn’t win, so here’s last week’s microfic at 110 words. Check out the MicroBookEnd page for the photo and prompt.)

Urban vampires live among us.

The rural breed is nearly extinct; vampires like hectic fear and the country is slower, tireder. The last rural vampire retired to a farm college where he feeds quietly off of grad students.

Urban vampires, however, live on. They dwell in the places between mirrors, in the arching walls of glass, in streetlight reflectors: not in the shadows, but in the excess of light.

It’s said that they love elevators. They can be seen there sometimes, hiding behind your stacked reflections. A camera might capture them – or release them.

But perhaps there is no need to fear, and it is all just a legend.

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What’s Lyn Been Doing (in re. writing)?

A glance at my post count for this month suggests there should be tumbleweeds rolling across the dusty, empty plains of my blog. Where’d Lyn go? Off into the aether somewhere…

The truth is, I’ve been doing a pretty decent clip of writing, but I started trying a new system, and, while it’s getting me writing done, it’s all being pretty behind-the-scenes stuff.

Right now, what I’ve got is 6 projects, one/day, that I focus on for all or most of that day: A Doomsday piece I’m working on with @inventrix, Edally Academy, Inner Circle (Although I may have to drop one of those for sanity’s sake), submission stories, the two Addergoole Staff go to Doomsday stories, and Patreon. The idea was that if I reached my wordcount-+-25% goal on any day, I’d work on other smaller things, but that just hasn’t happened, not before 10 p.m. any night.

On the other hand, I’m making good progress on those projects! I had a couple slow weeks the 1-6th and 7th-13th (first garb, then sick), but last week was all zoom, zoom, ZOOM! Focusing on a single project the whole day means I’m less likely to lose track of where I am — but only focusing on it for a day means that I don’t get antsy and bored with it. Win/win!

…except the lack of posting, which I need to find a way to fix. <.<

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