Well, looking through my mental wish list, my pinterest “clothes” file, and the stuff I have on my to-sew…
Sort of like, um. Prairie waif? Goth-with-colors? Knit amish hippy?
layers of tissue-thin shirts, often with too-big necklines and def. with sleeves over my hands, down to my hips, over skirts that are fitted or fittedish to the knees and then SWISH out in a pile of petticoats.
If I had Meentik unutu (and huamu) that is what I would look like every day. Except the days I wore those shirts or loose shirts that go swish over jeans.
Yeah, my mental images never include shoes, either. Too bad I live in the frozen north.
This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1024954.html. You can comment here or there.