Archive | December 24, 2015

Christmas Prompt Call!

Hello and Merry Christmas!

Today I’m doing a “for me and for you” prompt call.

Here’s how it goes (Thanks for the idea, Cal)

You can either prompt something you want to read or something that would be fun for me to write. The former gets 100 words and the latter gets 500.

For every $15 in total donations I receive, I’ll add 50 words to non-tippers’ prompts and 100 words to tippers’ prompts, or write to a second prompt for each tipper.

In addition, for every $5 you tip, I’ll write 300 words of whatever you want.

Leave a prompt!

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Day and Night, #Lexember day 24

Day and Night!

[personal profile] rix_scaedu asked for Day and Night, which is coincidental, because tomorrow’s Edally holiday post is IetTienaabaa, which means “The Day of Tienaabaa.”

Iettie, actually, is day in the sense of a a whole day, from sunrise to sunrise, while Ietta is most often day in the sense of “day of;” birthday, gods’ day, coronation day.

The time from sunrise to sunset is anez /’a nez/, meaning, from sun to stars, and the word for night comes from the old phrase Odyidai ahkaarununu, “demons come.” While the word for “demons” in this sense is lost to history, it is still seen in words like dyid, darkness, and odyaikaar, night.

(If you are guessing that the Calenyena historically had an unpleasant relationship with nighttime…)

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Light a Candle for me, a story of Edally Academy, is up for Patrons

Light a Candle for Me

In Calenta, there was an old tradition – born out of a much older story, and that itself born out of an ancient event – that you did not count the dead as gone until the cold season had passed without them returning to life…

(read on…)

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