The Calenyena love color, really, really love color. Everything about their world is bright and colorful.
Here are just a few color words:
I have already kat, red, len, orange, and paato, yellow.
gomol, from the old gom, means green. It is speculated the the -ol brings it closer to the Bitrani word for green, miagermo
Tien, from the old teetaanzhun, sky-like, is blue, a broad term encompassing most shades, as are kat and gomol.
And just because we only had it tucked into another word -liz means “brightly rainbow-colored.”
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I will bet that they have more names for particular shades, like aqua, than we do. 🙂
Yes, I was going to say pretty much that. 🙂
Oh definitely, even if they’re long an agggggluginated.
User rix_scaedu referenced to your post from Legacy 6 saying: […] The Calenyena and Bitrani words for green come from 's post Lexember Day 29: Colors […]