If you’re following this, you may have noticed that I’m fascinated by plurals with grammatical number.
So in making a plural to make the words Whispers Drop, I decided to make several plural forms.
-er is the most commonly used, and indicates a generic plural.
-ara indicates part of a group, “those four students,” for instance.
-ore indicates all of a particular thing.
And here’s another thing to add in!
Whisper is ssussu.
To make this plural, we’ll repeat the first consonant (in this case the only consonant): ssussusser.
(Rule, courtest thnidu: “When pluralizing, if the word ends in a vowel copy the first consonant onto the end before adding the ending.”)
This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1043120.html. You can comment here or there.