Archive | January 17, 2016

Practicing my cliffhangers….

It was supposed to be the first day of summer vacation, and it was pouring outside. Sting was playing Metal Commando IV instead of climbing the Anterior Cliff, which probably would make his mother happy if she knew but was a surprisingly lame substitute for actual air and hills.

Despite being lame, it was still engrossing, and the doorbell had probably rung three or four times before the sound got through his headphones. Grumbling and swearing – and secretly hoping it was Dave and Cari saying “screw the rain, let’s climb anyway,” Sting opened the door.

“Sterling Marydel.” There were three people on the porch, all looking quite annoyed to be standing in the rain, all wearing some sort of military uniform that Sting didn’t recognize. The woman in front had short-cropped grey hair and three visible data jacks in her hairline. “We’re here about your test results.”

Part 2:

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Languary Day (11 & 12), collections, tools, and -like

And yet more Derivational morphology!

Okay, so, I started off with the state of being, turning a noun or a verb into a noun.

and then I did noun-people and verb-people.

Today’s nouns are pheassat, word, and dotfit, map



Dirdphessat, a word-collection, a lexicon.

Dirdotfit, a map-collection, an atlas

(Fotafa, to run, fotafird, a planned series of runs)

Even more Derivational morphology!

Next up: tools and characteristic adjectives.

Our verb for this bit is deassa, to cut, and our noun is Toshtod, bread.

-urd, “used for”

deassurd, a cutting-thing.

durtoshtod, a bread-plate

-al, “like,” “characteristic of”

deassal, cut-like (this would be, say “it cuts like a knife,” sharp pain, often metaphoric.

laltoshtod, breadlike.

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Languary Day (10), Noun-people, verb-people

Today is more Derivational morphology!

Okay, so, I started off with the state of being, turning a noun or a verb into a noun.

For today’s part, we’re going to go with the noun book, futheat and read, ssru (an irregular verb)

Associated Person
a book-person! Actually, first, a reading person, a reader:


When adding a suffix to a word ending in a vowel, repeat the ending consonant at the beginning of the suffix.

and then a book-person:

When moving a -VLC suffix to prefix, repeat the ending C in the beginning. If it is prefixing (a rule here that includes sh and other awkward sounds), remove the ending C in the prefix.

In this case, a reader, ssrussolss, is one who discerns the ancient texts. A ssolfutheat is one who keeps the books, a librarian.

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A Week+ In Alder – what have I been up to?

Jan 8th Summary

This month’s theme is Addergoole!
Going to Addergoole East, an introduction to the school for a young student, was written to [personal profile] clare_dragonfly‘s prompt.

Edally keeps going! Enrie’s family are quite difficult…

If you’re new to Edally, start here. It’s a steampunk boarding school setting, following a 3-person team of students as they make their way through their first year at the prestigous Academy.

A Tribute – Where Dreams Live
It’s been a bad week for the world, so I wrote a small story of hope.

A Beautiful Friendship
[personal profile] chanter_greenie request something with Amantia and Zita from Addergoole: Year Nine.

Desired Situation…, a continuation of Want Ad, an earlier Patreon story, was written to [personal profile] clare_dragonfly‘s commission.

I made some shelves!

I continued a bit on Languary, an idea started by [personal profile] becka_sutton ([ profile] languary), creating a language for a new setting.

Cloverleaf Character Study: Tijana the knitter – CLoverleaf has a lot of people making it work, and all of them came from somewhere
Beside the Point, a fic of Addergoole – sometimes you need to yell at Regine.

I continued my stories of Boom in Cloverleaf, playing off of some roleplay [personal profile] inventrix & I are doing, itself playing off an old story I wrote of Cya and Boom.

Prompt Calls
My December Prompt Call is going to stay open until it stops being fun 😉
The theme is “Prompt something fun for me or fun for you.” Go ahead and prompt something
Stories since the seventh are:
The Water, modern
Turnabout, Addergoole, Yr19

I also still have this Addergoole in the Apocalypse “give me ideas” call open.
Don’t Stick Out

I also:
Wrote 1200 words on an fdom cyberpunk paranormal romance novella
Wrote 440 words on a secret project
Wrote 2000 words of submissions, submitted a story, and received a rejection for a story submitted in October.

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