Continuing from here…
Love is the irresistible desire…
Phothe [desire] [resist]udfeal [Love]
…to be irresistibly desired.
-elt, to be [verbed]
-ad, “-ly”
[desire]elt [resist]udfealad
Okay, now I get to see if I can do this.
Verb Object (Object adjective) (adverb) Subject (subject adjective)
[is] [desire irresistible desired irresistibly] [love]
Phothe [desire] [resist]udfeal [desire]elt [resist]udfealad [Love]
Okay, there’s only three words there.
desire, noncha
resist, totfa
….I need to noun a verb.
Phothe noncham totfudfeal nonchelt totfudfealad Feph
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