The Doors were a rumor, a whisper, something the magi murmured about beyond closed doors. They had never found one – until it turned out that it wasn’t the Doors they hadn’t been able to find, but the openers.
Now Alexa, the only Opener known in her home reality, works with a team of scientists, explorers, magi, and soldiers to discover where these Doors can take them. And it will be quite a ride!
Best places to start
In the Storm (Cole, intro)
Intro (Alexa, Intro)
Into the Doorway, an introductionThe Stories
- The Uniform
- Intro – Alexa
- 30daysmeme, Last in Line (Facets of Dusk)
- 30Days: Falling Falling Falling Down
- In the Storm
- Trouble in Doubles – Facets of Dusk – from kc_obrien and elfling_eryn’
- Kissing One’self
- IconFlash – Alexa – Through the Door
- IconFlash – Facets of Dusk, Josie – Still Falling
- Icon Flash: Facets of Dusk & Ekwara
- Target
- December Kink-Bingo Mini-Challenge
- Underneath, a story of Facets of Dusk for the Giraffe Call
- The Bloody Rose of Morning
- The Stars, a story of Facets of Dusk for the Giraffe Call
- Into the Doorway, a beginning for Facets of Dusk
- Cloaked
- Deep in the Autumn Air
- Thick, a continuation of Facets of Dusk for the Giraffe Call (@Rix_scaedu)
- Changing, a continuation of Facets of Dusk for the Giraffe Call (@Lilfluff)
- G for the Gate, a story of Facets of Dusk for the Giraffe Call
- Wrong Door, a story of Facets of Dusk for the Giraffe Call
- Was That There…?
- Fitting In, a story of Facets of Dusk for the Impossible Situations mini-call
- Through Another Door
- Visible Bisexuality: Go (bi) Yourself (redux), a Facets Ficlet.
- Wishing a Merry Christmas – Patreon repost
- Technically, [this meets the] Qualifications, a Facets of Dusk story for Patreon
- Patreon Posts – Crossovers
- Thimbleful Thursday: Cherry on Top

Alexa Bianci