I am holding a Patreon Pledge Drive in hopes of filling a slight income hole with my chosen income-garnering path… dragons and dungeons!
Ah, speculative fiction.
With a few dragons here and there and, ahem, quite a few dungeons. 😉
So if I’m going to ask you to patronize me, I ought to tell you what you’re getting, oughtn’t I?
By now, everyone probably knows that a $1 pledge gives you access to all the patron-only stories.
And I’ve already told you about the $5-pledge level
So now we’re into uncharted territory! Reward tiers nobody has tried for yet!
Pledge $7/month, and as long as pledges stay over the $30/month milestone, you get a super-secret private story.
That’s right, another story on top of the others in the Patreon, just for $7 and up donors, and you get to prompt it!
Of course, you still get all the $1 and $5 perks – prompting on everything, reading everything, picking serial ideas and characters. And you get your own secret story for just $2 more a month.
This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1075582.html. You can comment here or there.