Archive | March 17, 2016

Job Interview: a tiny-fic of the Apiary

(The Apiary is – or will be – the companion university and surrounding town to Cloverleaf and Doomsday Academy)

The chair was singularly uncomfortable. Augustinus did his best not to shift and squirm.

The woman in front of him was lush, far too lush, and something about her scent just made her beauty even more uncomfortable. And she was smiling at him with a wide grin that looked a little too predatory.

She glanced down at her notes. “Now,” she purred, “why don’t you tell me about your experience with chemistry?”

Augustinus cleared his throat, not for the first time, and tried not to make an absolute fool of himself.

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Inter-universal Women’s Day: Empress Edaledalende

for [personal profile] clare_dragonfly‘s prompt here. Written last week and then forgotten in Written?Kitten!.

“This can’t be right.” Edaledalende leaned down from her saddle to study the map. “They’ve got us boxed in? When we have bridges here and here,” she pointed, “and a pass here?”

“The problem is, Kalōkāt Lady Edaledalende, that our bridges cannot hold the weight of our soldiers and our pass is not large enough.”

“And our engineers didn’t think about this?”

The adjunct coughed. “We don’t have any engineers in this unit, Kalōkāt Lady Edaledalende. There weren’t any available.”

“Well then.” Edaledalende pursed her lips. “We should do something to fix that. But first, we have to win this battle.”


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