Wyste has been journalling, and it’s got me thinking about gardening and home improvement.
If the weather holds – and weather.com says it will – I could see if I can turn over the beds this weekend. Might still be too frozen.
It’s probably too early to plant carrots – they say “3 weeks before the last expected frost” which is more like mid- to late-April – but I could risk a single batch. Peas, on the other hand, say “as soon as you can work the soil,” so if I can get the bed with the trellis turned over, I could do that this weekend.
We started burning brush, too. Kind of nice sitting out there with a laptop, writing while the fire crackles. Now all I need is a wifi repeater.
How are your plans for the spring shaping up?
And has anyone tried any hydroponic gardening?
Or in pots? I’ve been looking up stuff for next winter, including salad radishes.
This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1074827.html. You can comment here or there.