Archive | April 2016

A Deal is Made, Part IV

Part I –
Part II –
Part III:

Cya was not smiling. It was very important for some reason that she was not smiling.

Regine had lived with Michael and Luke as her crew for quite some time, and she could predict with some accuracy what they might say in this situation.

“She’s not playing a game.” Luke had said that on more than one occasion. “Even when she is laughing, she is not playing, any more than you are. It’s important to remember that.”

Michael did not like to talk about Boom quite so much, although he seemed quite fond of Cloverleaf and several of their other projects. When he’d been advising Regine about this trip, he had said a few pertinent things, including “Remember you’re talking about her children and descendants. Remember how biased even you can be about your own blood.” and “If she smiles, she’s comfortable, confident. If she stops smiling, you might do well to be worried.”

The expression on Cya’s face right now was intense. She had leaned forward, she hand her hands on her lap, and she looked as if she would just as easily skin Regine as allow her access to her children.

Leofric’s expression, on the other hand, was carefully neutral. Regine was uncertain she had ever seen him looking quite that blank. It was more than a bit disturbing.

Regine was worried. Luke and Michael had both told her she should be worried and now — now she understood why. She cleared her throat.

“Your terms,” she repeated carefully. “You want a ‘get out of jail free’ pass for each one of your descendants?”

“Each one of the Addergoole descendants of Boom,” Cya clarified.

“Hrrmph.” Regine gave honest consideration to the data she wanted. Was she willing to give in this far to this particular woman, just for data?

Of course she was. The question truly was, could she do so in any sort of good grace? Regine cleared her throat. “And you’re looking for an agreed-upon staff intervention into any one situation that the student finds untenable?”

“Here.” Cya reached for a stack of paper and a pen on her side table. Regine noted that as Cya leaned over and began writing — with a fountain pen, no less — she kept in contact with Leofric, her side pressed against his leg. She wrote without hesitation, her handwriting crisp and legible even upside-down.

Regine took a moment to contemplate her crew’s responses. Luke would probably be glad. MIchael might be ambivalent — they were going through another cycle in which the Daeva’s Students were the most likely to cause problems for other students.

The others? Shira Pelletier would give Regine that tired, knowing look and say only the Boom children? How is that fair? and Regine would have to answer because Boom happened to hold on to a nasty negotiator who trained at the feet of Feu Drake, although the answer could be just as easily Because Boom is still a crew.

In her particularly self-aware moments, Regine wondered how much of what Boom had become, she had wrought. In morbidly thoughtful moments, she wondered if she had truly wrought her own destruction.

“There.” Cya glanced at Leo, waited for a nod, and then turned the paper around so that Regine could read it more easily. “As discussed.”

Regine read the paper twice. It was exactly as they had discussed, the language suitable for a lawyer.

This woman who had not gone to college had not only written the laws for three city-states, she’d founded a university, Regine remembered. She was not stupid. She read the paper a third time.

She found nothing she could argue with, nothing except the general premise of the agreement, which she was not, she believed, going to get Red Doomsday to budge from.

She signed.

Epilogue –

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Thinking about an Addergoole Kickstarter (Finally)

Okay, I’m ready to start planning the Addergoole Book One Kickstarter. The book is drafted, so step one done (it’s been drafted for well over a year…)

Things I know I need:
* Cover art/layout
* Editing

Things I might like:
* Layout done professionally, both e- and paper book
* internal art/poster art

Things I maybe Need:

From those basic lists, what am I missing?

In addition, if you were going to support this sort of Kickstarter, what sort of reward tiers/stretch goals would you like?

(Note: this sort, because I know Addergoole is not everyone’s cuppa tea.)

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Weekend Projects with Variable Success

Pantry Cooking and Bird Eviction

This weekend, the major projects were cleaning up the pantry cupboards in our kitchen and evicting a bird family from our house framework.

Our “pantry” is the five cupboards on one side of our kitchen where we keep mostly dry ingredients and a few meal mixes, along with “oh this looks cool.” So we pulled everything out, made a few things, tossed a couple things in the compost, and cleaned it out.

We made: sweet bread with a pecan-royal jelly filling, tapioca (well, we started it) from non-instant tapioca (soak overnight), black cherry gelatin, orzo and yellow lentils with curry and grape tomatoes, and then, for lunches, barley-split pea soup with cream of broccoli soup mix, broccoli stems, and dehydrated vegetables (and some ham).

The bird problem was, ah, less fun.

Behind the gutter in the back of our house is a tube of wood, clearly built to pull the gutter out to the roofline. It’s not closed on either end, and behind it is bare wood, not siding or house sheathing or even paint.

Birds love it.

The plan was to pull out a couple years’ worth of old nests and tack screening over the openings.

I say “plan was…” because it turned out that the nesting was 3-5′ into this narrow tube, packed rock-solid and very very tricky to move. In the end, I managed to budge it with a hook T. screwed into the end of a long plastic stick, but there’s still a bunch in there.

Next plan: several yards of shop vac extension tube!

…at least the pantry clean-out food was tasty 😀

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Fun Meme yoinked…

…from [personal profile] d_generate_girl:


Give me a character, and I will write (up to) three pieces of sexual headcanon for them.

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#Fridayfiveminutemap – Same world, different era!

Folchir's Fort.jpg

While I was looking up maps, I encountered the premise of “friday 5-minute maps.” And, while nobody had been active on any of the tags in a while, I thought it looked fun.

So here’s my first idea: Folchir’s Fort.

This stands (loosely) where on my big map project there is a red star – ‘cept it’s been long enough (approx 1500-2000 years ago) that the river has moved. The bigger houses are meant to be almost longhouse style: communal big buildings thrown up quickly, because shelter was needed.

(I gotta say, some of the maps in the Google Plus community are amazing for 5 minutes!)

Now taking suggestions for the next few fridays worth of maps.

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Complications and then Complications, a continuation of a fanfic of Narnia and Valdemar

first: A Door in the Wall
Second: On the Other Side of the Door
Third: The Call Comes Again
Fourth: New Travelling Companions

It could not be hugging Horses forever, of course. Susan reluctantly released Leffen’s neck and stepped back, curtseying again to make up for her lack of manners. “My apologies again. Herald Soleck, Companion Leffen, you have a mission for us?”

“I do, yes. The first step of that mission is rest, however, and outfits more suitable for Valdemar. You have come from very far away, I believe, but we wish it not appear such to outsiders. Can you stand a short walk? Perhaps a candlemark?”

Susan could hazard a guess at a “candlemark,” but it did not really matter. She nodded at Peter’s raised eyebrow; she would walk all day if she had to, to be out in nature again, and to be on a mission again.

“We can walk that far,” Peter agreed. “As long as the terrain’s not too harsh.”

“We weren’t planning on being called to a strange land quite at this time,” Edmund offered. “Although I suppose we’re never planning on it, not truly.

“‘He’s not a tame lion,’” Lucy whispered. Susan forbore to comment, as she was still allowing herself some skepticism. It might not be Aslan, after all. He’d said they wouldn’t be allowed back into Narnia. And then to have allowed them into this new, strange world…”

“Leffen can carry two with ease,” Soleck offered, “if the younger two would like to ride, and the rest of us can walk.”

“Oh, could we?” Lucy’s eyes lit up, while Edmund grimaced.

“Let Susan ride with Lu. She’ll enjoy it more, and I don’t really need the ride.”

Susan jutted out her chin. “Oh Edmund, don’t be a pill. Ride with Lu, you know it will make her happy. I’m out of practice riding,” she added smoothly, “and it will hurt less to walk, if I’m being honest.” She watched Soleck curiously. He had defaulted to “the younger two” rather than “the two girls.” She found that very telling about him, at least, and perhaps the world.

Meanwhile, Leffen was laughing in their heads and nuzzling Lucy. ::Someone ride me. This saddle on my back isn’t for decoration, you know. And Edmund? Great kings have deigned to ride Companions before, sometimes even with their little sister.::

Edmund flushed angrily. “It’s not that! But why shouldn’t Susan ride with Lu and I walk? I’m not a cripple, you know!”

“Oh, dear.” Soleck coughed. “Leffen, we have stumbled, I believe, into some sort of cultural difference once again. I apologize, my friends.” He bowed to Edmund. “I meant no offense. Certainly we all believe all of us can walk, yes. But in this land of Valdemar, where we are standing right now—”

Susan stepped in. As much as she was fascinated by what this Herald was saying – or at least what he was implying – she could see that Edmund was not in the mood to be placated. “It’s all right, Soleck. If Leffen does not mind, I’ll ride with Lu.”

There was nothing Edmund could say to that without making himself look more the fool, a tantrum-prone child who hadn’t gotten his way, and it was clear he knew that. He forced a smile. “It’ll do good for you to be on a Horse’s back again, Susan,” he offered.

“It will,” Susan agreed. She swung herself up onto Leffen’s back, regretting her choice of an old dress one more time. It was quite unsuitable – but Herald Soleck did not seem to notice nor mind.

Instead, he was clearing his throat. “Ah. The Companions do not like to be confused with horses. They are quite a different creature, you see.”
::It’s all right, Soleck.:: Leffen nosed his Herald. ::They say “horse” but they are thinking “Horse,” which is quite fascinating. And “Cat.”::

Susan shook her head, as if to get dust out from between her ears. Having someone talk inside her mind was still quite strange. “In Narnia, where we…” She had almost said where we are from. “…were for quite a while, there are many, ah, many Beasts who are every bit as thinking people as human beings are. Horses and Cats…”

“Beavers!” Lucy put in.

“And Wolves,” Edmund added darkly.

::Fascinating.:: Leffen settled into a lazy walk which Soleck, Peter, and Edumund could easily keep up with. ::There are some beast-like things here which are sentient, but only Sun-Cats and Companions take the shape of something also found in a non-sentient form..::

“Other sentient animals?” Lucy pulled herself up straight. “Can we meet them?”

“Lu,” Peter scolded, “we’re on a mission, remember? We can’t go haring off to pet the – ah, to meet the other Animals when we were called here for a reason.”

Before Lucy could deflate, Susan intervened. “Perhaps when our mission is over?” she offered. “Or, Herald Soleck, Companion Leffen, I do not know how things are laid out here. Perhaps sometime on our visit, we could meet one of these Animals?”

::It is possible…:: Leffen began slowly, ::that we might encounter a kyree. Most of the others are far too far away for this particular trip, but I will… that is, we will see what we can do..::

“We will,” Soleck agreed, with solemn humor. “If the four of you can succeed where many others have failed, I believe a social visit is the least of what we will owe you.”

“Honestly, Lu—” Edmund began. Susan erred on the side of rudeness and turned to Soleck before Ed could finish.

“This quest, I don’t believe it’s been explained yet. Do you think you could help us out with that?” She left many things unsaid, like at least if you have a believable story, you’re likely not walking us into a trap and I suppose you must know we can help you, as Aslan sent us to your Firelord, but it would be nice to have some reassurance.

The look Soleck shot her suggested that he could guess at all of her unsaid things and hazard a decent assumption about why she’d spoken when she had, too. The smile made her chest do something strange.

And she wanted to hug him – or give him a job in the court she had once had – when he said none of that at all, nor showed it in his voice.

“Certainly, I can tell you about this mission. I apologize; I was too engrossed in getting you to a place of comfort and proper clothing. This mission, you see, is all about our missing Prince.” He had dropped his voice down into a conversational murmur. “But we cannot allow it to be heard around that he is missing, or people will fret, and perhaps political maneuverings will become… tricky.”

“So,” Peter summed up, just as quietly, “you’re looking for someone you can’t admit is missing, so having outsiders who nobody knows to watch out for look for him is an ideal plan.”

“Exactly.” Soleck beamed happily, his smile just as quickly fading. “However, it is still more complicated, as well.”


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Trope Bingo – a fun idea…

I had a fun idea for trope bingo but uh…

Jan 1: Signups open
Jan 15: Bingo posting begins
April 15: Last day to request a first card
April 30: Last day to request a second card
April 30: Last day to post bingos for This round
May 1: Amnesty beings
June 30: Amnesty ends
July 1: Next round begins

So it’ll have to wait. Edited to add: There’s [community profile] genprompt_bingo, thanks rix-scaedu!

(the idea was something like: Make a list of settings of mine that are cross-over-able;
make a list of fanfic settings I can comfortably xover into. Roll a die for each, write one or a whole bingo series in that. repeat.)

Speaking of… what settings of mine are good for crossing over? Or maybe – any you can think of that AREN’T?

(And did Kink_bingo go away?)

FanFic settings:
Marvel CMU
DC/Batman (comics)
Dr. Who, mostly modern
Criminal Minds
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Harry Potter
Star Wars

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The Expectant Wood, Chapter One: Trouble at the Stamen

Chapter One: Trouble at the Stamen

“Mem! Pearl! Come onnn.” The nearer you got to the center of the island, the steeper the terrain got, the further ahead Nimbus’ mother and older sister got, and the more her little sister Billow complained about it….

Nimbus and her family are on an ordinary expedition to the Center of the island of Aereaxera when things start getting a bit noisy.

This fantasy adventure story takes place in and around the sky islands of The Aereaxerer archipelago. It will post once/month (although it will start at 2 posts/month to catch up) and is available to all Patreon patrons.

Supporting my fiction on Patreon costs as little as
$1/month and gives you access to stories above and beyond those posted here on Dreamwidth/Livejournal.

Interested? Check out The Expectant Wood and pledge today!

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The Stranded Prompts Are Complete

With the posting of a Summer story a moment ago, the Stranded prompts I opened to a tiny group of people (for reasons; I might try that again some time) are completed.

The list:
The “Festival” series:
A Wink…
Nothing Could Possib-lie Go Wrong (Summer)
Places One Doesn’t Go (Winter)
At Home (Spring)
Sight and Sense (Autumn)

The others:
The Thing About Tangling… (Spring)
The Words of Magic
A Drabble of Summer

I’ll offer continuations at the Giraffe Call rate of $1/100 words for the next week
Tip the Thorne-Author

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