Archive | May 15, 2016

Landing Page: Edally Academy

Getting into the legendary Empress Edaledalende Academy of Higher Learning at Ileltedez was just the first step; what will Tairiekie do now that she’s here? How will she and her new teammates get along, and how will they cope with teachers and staff that just don’t like them?

The Angry Aetherist posts Wednesdays; any week Paypal Donations reach $20, there will be an additional chapter posted on Sundays.

You can find the whole story on

The Angry Aetherist

Chapter One (and on DW) Welcome to the Academy
Chapter Two (and on DW) Welcome to House Akaizepennen
Chapter Three (and on DW) An Introduction to Aether
Chapter Four (and on DW) Discovering the Power Structure
Chapter Five (and on DW) Into Threes, Nines, and Eighteens
Chapter Six (and on DW) New Friends and New Teams
the story continues on

The Prequels

Getting Ready (Tairiekie) (and on DW)
Getting Ready: Saydrie (and on DW)
Getting Ready: Enerenarie (and on DW)
Almost There: Saydrie (and on DW)
Almost There: Tairiekie (and on DW)
Tairiekie a Year Earlier (LJ)

Character notes

Enarienarie (LJ)
Saydrie (LJ)
Instructor Getalréta (LJ)
Iesovyenyie (LJ) (Taikie’s Roomie)
Gaikvya (LJ) (Taikie’s Roomie)
Kotnelbyotke and Ledryainryie (LJ) (Enrie’s roommates)


Inter-universal Women’s Day: Empress Edaledalende (LJ)
Broader Education (LJ)- Kaatetzie
Top Of Class, Bottom (LJ) – Lielbyim (an older student)

Naming Rights Auction (and on DW)

Edally Academy is part of the Reiassan setting in the Steam Era.

Draft Map of the School


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