Archive | June 2016

A Pact, a continuation ficlet of Doomsday Academy

Acquiring Students
When my tablet runs out of battery…
The Crew Continues
Crew, Continued
The Day

Doomsday Academy, a few years under a decade before Cya Keeps Leo.

“It’s not that it’s gross…” Aron spoke carefully, his eyes darting between his three crewmates. “It’s just that it seems wrong when they’re just…” His hands lifted as if ready to make a gesture, then flopped to the bed, and his cheeks colored.

Today they were in Sunny’s cy’Red dorm, stacked on her bed, because one of Aron’s cy’ra were… engaged… with a cy’Sweetflower. Loudly.

“And I mean, sure, they’re having fun, but then there’s going to be that loud mess like there was with the last one, with Silva, and with Kit before that. At this rate, he’s not going to be able to talk to anyone in the school by the time he graduates.”

“We’re not going to do that. Right?” Sunny looked between the three of them, her crew. “We’re best friends. We’re crew. We’re not going to get all… all sexy and start fighting with each other, right? Right?”

“No sex,” Astarte agreed with a sharp nod.

“Sex is for outside the crew,” Kerr agreed, very quietly.

“It’s a deal.” They put their hands together and shook, all for one, one for all.

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Even a Locked Chest Must be Unlocked – a story continuation for “Finish It” Bingo.

After A Locked Chest is Locked for a Reason, a story of the Aunt Family. To the Finish It! Bingo.

If it weren’t for the angry cat sitting on top of the chest — currently in the form of a juvenile marmalade tom — the chest would not have stood out in the Aunt’s attic. This corner of the attic, furthest from windows, chimneys, and the two entrances, was stacked to the roof with such chests, leather-clad and metal-bound, each of them locked and the keys all hung on a ring downstairs. Aunt Eva had been cataloguing and numbering them, one giant chest of diaries at a time.

Beryl studied Radar. She’d started thinking of him as her cat, foolish as she knew that was. He was an Aunt cat, and she was not the aunt.

“Can I move the chest?” she offered. “By the handles, I mean. Or on a cart?”

Radar bristled again, and then settled down, grooming every bit of his fur straight, all without answering at all.

Beryl knew from experience that fur-smoothing could take hours if not the entire day, depending on exactly how ruffled Rader felt, so she headed to the far corner of the attic for a cart.

The Aunt-house attic was something to behold, even after Eva had been sorting through it for the last few months. There were boxes in here labelled in years that began with 18—, their contents not so much detailed as broadly described. “Vases, from church picnic,” one read. “Caution: May be cursed,” read another box. Beryl avoided that one; anything an Aunt thought deserved a caution was not something she wanted to mess with casually.

“This chest isn’t labelled ‘danger’,” she pointed out to the still-grooming Radar, as she dragged the cart over to the chest. She’d grabbed a pair of silk gloves from the open box by the near stairway, and pulled those up to her elbows while she waited for an answer.

None appeared forthcoming. Radar was working on a tricky bit by his tail and didn’t even glance at her.

Beryl touched the handle of the chest; nothing changed in neither chest nor cat. “How do you know, then? g’Aunt Sarah’s been gone for, um, a while.”

Once again, Radar ignored her. Beryl picked up the chest carefully, both because you never knew how the trap-charms might be lain and because Radar was not moving from his perch, and moved it onto the hand-cart. “This is going to be a bumpy ride,” she warned him. “Um.. Hold on?”

Getting the chest to the stairs was the easy part, and Radar rode along, giving off the air that he meant to never speak again, just an ordinary cat, look, another bit of fur loose. The bumpy part came when Beryl carefully let the hand-cart down the stairs; Radar slid towards the back, shifted position without looking at Beryl, and kept grooming himself. He did the same thing as they went down the back stairs into the kitchen, where he leapt off onto the table.

Aunt Eva looked up. “Beryl, honey, I told you to bring those down a handful at a time, not a handcart at a time.”

“I know, Aunt Eva, but Radar, here, is bound and determined that nobody except you should handle these diaries. He nearly took some flesh off.”

“I barely tapped you,” Radar answered primly. “Evangeline, these books are not for childish consumption.”

“Who are you calling a child?” Beryl glared at him, no longer feeling like indulging his little tantrum. “Besides, you said only Aunt Eva should touch them!”

Radar groomed his face for a moment. “Nobody should read them. But, since the diaries of each Aunt should be read by the new Aunt, Eva must.” He looked out the window. “Bad things happen when the diaries are not read. They exist for a purpose.”

“I know that, Radar.” Eva gestured at the piles of diaries that they’d been cataloguing for months. “That’s why I asked Beryl to go get Aunt Sarah’s books.”

Radar’s tail swished angrily. “Beryl should not read these.”

“All right, all right. I tell you what. I’ll start on these while Beryl finishes up on Aunt Asta’s stuff. But if I decide she can read it, Radar, then she’ll read it.” She picked up the cat, who seemed to be getting larger the more uncomfortable he got, and held him up until she was looking him in the face. “Do you understand?”

Radar tried to stare her down, the more fool he. Finally he glanced away, as if looking out the window. “You won’t. But you’re the Aunt.” Suddenly, he was twisting and squirming. “Put me down, woman. I’m not some kitten you can manhandle like a toy!”

Eva was laughing as she set him down but when her eyes met Beryl’s, she’d gone solemn again. “You heard the cat. You get working on Asta’s early journals, and I’ll see what’s so exciting about Aunt Sarah’s stuff. All right?”

Beryl wasn’t going to win this argument. “All right, Aunt Evangeline.” She drew her aunt’s full name out like some sort of formal title, as if Aunt Eva wouldn’t have known she was sulking without some obvious cue like that.

As was probably completely fair, Eva ignored her to turn her focus on the chest. Beryl, a little embarrassed by her sulking, tried to focus on Aunt Asta’s journals, but she kept peeking up at Eva’s progress.

Aunt Asta as a young woman — pre-Aunthood by quite a while, and should Beryl be keeping a journal, too? Eva was deep in concentration over the chest, a crystal floating over the lock and one more held over each front corner. If the chest was booby-trapped, now was not the time to ask her about — well, anything.

She had gone to fight in the war! Well, to “support the war effort,” but the women of their family were fighters rather than supporters. The family had been against it. Of course. Beryl made a face at the pages and the grannies-who-had-come-before. Even Chalce was having trouble with that. Family stayed close, until it was time to split. Never mind that Berkeley had the program she wanted and wanted her in return.

Aunt Eva had the chest open, the crystals put away. You never knew when a nosy neighbor might stop by. But she hadn’t moved from her seat on the floor; she was holding the old book carefully, squinting at the handwriting.

“Aunt Boo’s journal has a cantrip for reading better,” Beryl offered. “Journal three, the blue one… what?” Eva had glanced up at her, not quite meeting her eyes. “You’re blushing.” Aunts didn’t blush! …did they?

Eva cleared her throat. She looked away, took a sip of tea, and cleared her throat again. Even old Aunt Sarah’s books couldn’t have been that dusty. There were cantrips and embedded charms for that, easy ones.

“Ah. Well… it appears…” She looked around the room, so Beryl looked as well. Radar was nowhere to be seen, and no grannies or cousins had snuck in. They were alone in the kitchen.

Eva took another sip of her tea. “It appears that Aunt Sarah has a very active life. And she was, um, quite detailed in her descriptions.” She glanced down at the page, her blush darkening. “I wonder how Radar knew.”

“I was there when Asta opened them.” Radar strolled in, tail high and looked as if he’d never had his little freak-out. “And Elenora. So you see?”

Beryl held her breath. She didn’t even know if she wanted to read Aunt Sarah’s dirty diaries, but complaining that she was old enough to would just prove that she wasn’t.

Eva glanced down at the diary and sipped her tea again. “I do see,” she agreed slowly. She looked up at Beryl and winked. “Annd… once she’s done properly cataloguing Asta’s journals… Beryl should read them as well. There are preconceptions about Aunts that I think it’s best she lose early on.

Radar’s tail fluffed up and his back started to arch. He shook himself, although his tail stayed puffed out like a chimney brush. “As… you… say,” he grated out.

It probably wasn’t kind to laugh at him, but Beryl’s hand was still stinging from where he’d smacked her.

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The Tea Wars, a story of Rin & Girey, reposted for Patreon

This story re-energized my interest in Reiassan. Written to a prompt of eseme‘s (“something about tea”), it hits on a quiet moment in the journey of Rin & Girey.

Rin & Girey are, of course, the protagonists of the will-someday-be-a-novel, Into Lannamer, the beginnings of which sparked this whole setting in the first place.

Originally Posted July 17th, 2010.

Tea-time was one of Rin’s favorite rituals, one of the few gentilities that remained to her after years at war. On the trail, it became even more precious – a welcome relief from the saddle, a pause to fill her stomach, the kick in the tea that would keep her awake until it was time to camp.

She brewed the tea herself…

read on…

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The Expectant Wood, Chapter Four: The Sharp Exit

Chapter One: Trouble at the Stamen
Chapter 2: The Stamen End
Chapter Three: A Slippery Stamen-End

Chapter Four: The Sharp Exit

Billow’s lips were pursed and her hands were gripping Nimbus’ wrist tight enough to leave marks. Nimbus wanted to reassure her, but she needed all her breath just to keep pulling herself up the side of the slippery floor. For every three steps she managed upwards, it seemed like she slid down two.

“Hold… on…” she managed.

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The Hellmouth Job, Part II (A Leverage/Buffy Fanfic)

Part I

“All right, so here we go. Missing students and kids include Andromeda Wallace, Felicity Norton, Princessa Washington… okay, I’m going to stop listing names for a moment and ask what the hell is up with these people and their names? I mean, seriously? Andromeda?”

“It’s California,” Eliot scoffed. “They probably think that it’s bad karma or bad feng shui or something to give your kid a name someone else has.”

“Historically,” Sophie offered, “in many cultures, it’s considered good luck to give your children the names of those who have come before.” She mentioned it more to Parker, who was sitting next to her, playing the role of her teenaged cousin, then to Hardison and Eliot sitting behind them.

“Mmm,” Parker agreed. “Or a street.” She smiled, bright and sharp, and then, just as quickly, her smile vanished. She twisted in her seat to look at Hardison. “So these kids… what sort of youth group is this? I mean…”

“The thing is… I’m not sure. I mean, this isn’t any ‘Boys and Girls Club’ thing, this is set up in one of the nicer neighborhoods in what’s a pretty rich school district. This is like, rich kid day care, but for the evenings, and for kids too old to really need day care.”

“Keep ‘em out of trouble,” Eliot opined. “GIve ‘em something to do so they’re not just spendin’ mommy and daddy’s money.”

“But now they’re in even more trouble.” Parker frowned. “Well, we think they are, right? I mean… sometimes missing kids just run away.”

Nate coughed. He’d been quiet, pretending to study a tourist guide to Bright Sunnydale. “It is a rare case that a runaway finds a benevolent mentor who’s a good fit for her, Parker. Many runaways… well, they need rescuing, too, even if they don’t know it yet.”

“Still, I mean. We’re not just returning these kids to sender, are we?”

“If it turns out they want to be lost…” Hardison began.

“Then it’s still illegal.” Eliot’s frown took on a sharp edge. “Anything you do involving kids is illegal, pretty much.”

“Everything we do is illegal, man.”

“I bought a pair of shoes last week,” Sophie offered. “Bought, as in paid for. Now, mind, the price I paid for them ought to be a crime. But it wasn’t technically illegal.”

“You stole the money though, right?” Parker popped her gum. “And the dress?”

“Well, of course, I’m not insane.”

“That’s different.” Eliot’s growl was tense. Both women stopped and looked at him. “I’m serious, guys. One, the people that mess with kids are shit, the absolute worst. They’re going to fight dirtier than…”


“Yes. Dirtier than him. Dirtier than anything you’ve seen. Two… Do not,” he dropped his voice to a fierce whisper, “ever let the cops find you out doing anything at all involving kids. They can get you, and they will, because they can’t get the real assholes.”

“Yes please, two of those lovely little drinks, thank you.” Hardison smiled at the flight attendant. “And could I get a pillow? Maybe some headphones? I know, everyone wants everything, and there’s only the one of you to go around, but you’re a sweetheart to try. Thank you, thank you.” He continued gushing until she scurried off, a little confused but, more importantly, no longer paying attention to what Eliot had been saying. “Man,” he added, annoyed, “we are on a public plane. They will arrest my ass if they think that I am doing anything remotely suspicious. Do not get me arrested again, Eliot.”

“That time in Cancun doesn’t count,” Eliot snapped. “Man, just because—” his annoyance faded into a reminiscent smile as he leaned back in the seat “—that nice policegirl had a thing for me…”

Hardison opened his mouth, gestured, and shut his mouth without saying anything.

“So anyway,” Parker picked up. “We’re just looking. When we find things, then we make a plan for the next step. Wait.” She wrinkled her nose at Nate. “Then we decide which plan we’re going to use.”

“As long as it’s not the one where I die,” Hardison mumbled.


“All right.” Willow frowned at the screen. “That’s seventeen people missing in the last month. I’ve managed to eliminate ten of them. We were there when Alberta died…”

“Alas, poor Alberta,” Xander sighed, speaking to a skull. “Wait, this isn’t her, is it?”

“That one’s plastic, Xander.” Buffy took it from him. “You can tell from the whitey-ness. Real skulls aren’t usually that bright.”

“Guys,” Willow complained. “I know we didn’t actually know Alberta, but come on. Feel a little bad for someone transferring into the school and getting killed on her first day.”

“I feel that,” Buffy conceded. “So… ten ‘known causes’, known to us, at least. What are the other seven?”

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Thinking about Patreon…

…would people be interested in a map/diagram/floor plan milestone? Like, for every month we reach this milestone, $5 donors can vote on a potential map or diagram or floorplan related to either the serial or the month’s theme?

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Laying some law-foundation, a story for #ThimblefulThursday

This is set in a new setting, one I tripped and created while sitting in training a few weeks back.

The setting is called “Colonize Earth” and revolves around a test colony set up on a remote portion of earth but treated as a space colony, dis-attached from the laws of the world. This is the first piece that’s actually made it to Dreamwidth.

“We need laws.” Tendor West paced in his tiny office, more a transmission room than a place of state. The Colonial Authority had chosen him to be Leader of their test-colony, and he was taking the responsibility seriously, perhaps too much so.

“We have laws,” Ona Boisen pointed out. She might not be Leader, but she headed a Team of 100 people, by the same Authority-choice that had gotten West his position. “The Colonial Authority set them down.”

“This thing?” West picked up the print-out and flopped it down. “It’s barely a page long. It doesn’t cover anything.”

“Moral laws, for one,” Dia Alton suggested. The Alton team was already seeming a bit strange, and they’d only been locked in their Test Colony here for a week. “We want to make sure nobody is doing anything improper. Especially teenagers.” She wrinkled her nose.

“Are you insane?” Boisen glared at Alton, who glared right back. “We have to succeed as a colony here, which means keeping our population growing within the constraints of the mission. Teenagers who signed up know that. And teenagers who signed up did so with full expectation that they would be treated as citizens of this colony.”

“You’re the insane one, if you think treating teenagers as anything other than deranged hoodlums is a good idea,” Alton sneered.

Yuri Tagna cleared his throat. “Neither of these things are the point. The point is that the Authority gave us a set of regulations, as Team Leader Boisen pointed out, and that they gave us the ability to alter them, as Leader West pointed out.”

“And alter them we should.” The fifth Team Leader finally spoke up. Gretel Hanson was a quiet woman, chief among their botanists as well as head of a team. “But my suggestion is thus: We begin with the laws as they are. They cover the very basic laws.”

“Barely,” West sneered. “There’s not a thing in there about things like drug use ——”

“And why should there be?” Boisen countered. “Why should we tell people what they can do in their free time? As for their working time — well, there’s the line in there about ‘under the rules the supervisors set,’ isn’t there?”

“Also,” Hanson continued, as if she hadn’t been interrupted, “one would have to find a way to grow or synthesize the drugs. I would say to begin with the law as it is. It covers far more than it looks like, with all those codicils.”

“And moral laws?” Alton cut in. “We have nothing to cover morals.”

“And nor should we!” Boisen countered.

“…and as cases come up that require adjustment, we begin the books of precedent for each law. That way, we are not prematurely creating laws.”

Hansen smiled at the group, pleased at her suggestion. Tagna shifted uncomfortably.

“Go with what we have for now…?”

“And move on as needed. After all, we have other issues to discuss in this meeting.” She looked around the group. “As secretary, I say: all those in agreement with my plan?”

In the end, it was 3:2 for Hanson’s Cross-that-bridge-when-we-get-there legislative plan, as it came to be known. West would never forgive her, of course, but the true consequences would take far longer to surface.

This is written to June 2nd’s Thimbleful Thursday prompt

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Random-Number Abecedary, with help from friends

Over on [ profile] Thornewrites, I like to ask for random numbers to pick my next project of the day (off a list of current or potential projects).

Sometimes I like to spice things up a bit, so last week, I started with some animal prompts.

SIXTEEN sitting Siamese…
SIXTEEN Silly Silver Dollars

FIFTEEN fit fishers!
FIFTEEN Fine Fishing Cats!

FOURTEEN foreign fossa…
FOURTEEN foundering frogs!

THIRTEEN Thylacine Theurgists…
THIRTEEN Theocratic Thrashers…

TWELVE twirling twitterers!
Twelve Tart Toucans!

And then my friends started answering in kind:

[ profile] DaHob:
1 wintery wyrm
1 wan wilderbeast
1 whiskey weasel and 1 ornery okapi
1 wild wallaby

[ profile] Sushimustwrite:
Fiiiiiiiive numbered tweeeeeets!
Nine nimble narwhals!

[ profile] Simon_Batt:
Two Triumphant Tigers, please!
Eight Elegant Eagles! (So patriotic.)

And then [ profile] Anke upped the ante:
eight electric eels eating eggs

So I asked for
FOURTEEN forceful frogs forgiving foes!
THIRTEEN thriving Therapsids throwing thallium!
Twelve twitchy tayra twisting twiddle-twaddle!
ELEVEN Eclectic Echidnas embracing effeminacy!

And then [ profile] DaHob upped it again:
one onyx owl onboarding orphans overseas
one orange ocelot opines on otherwise overlooked options
1 wascally wabbit wrestling with weighty woes

So I ended up with
Twelve truthful tegus tunefully typing trustworthy tales!
FOURTEEN fecund fulmar fidgeting from festive fractionation!
ELEVEN elegant elk elucidating elaborate explanations
TEN Trepadatious tahrs telegraph trite tableaus

and things from [ profile] Sushimustwrite like:
Seven somber sharks sleeping soundly!

And from [ profile] Anke like:
eight elderly elephants expressing excitement eruditely every evening

And now my number-requests are nearly as long as my writing…. but man is it fun!

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