Hi guys…
I am ~stuck~ on Narnia/Cat in the Closet. I have an entire nother chapter written, but I’m bored.
And if I’m bored, well, then I expect the reader (you) will be too.
So I come to you for help. Help? Advice? Anything?
This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1151188.html. You can comment here or there.
I haven’t been bored so far, not that that helps you. Do you need to write ahead at an exciting bit. or a bit you think is exciting?
I might. They’ve been wandering a bit but maybe they need to have something happen to them?
I wouldn’t necessarily throw ninjas at them, but might the opposition start trying to oppose them?
Life happens while we make plans.. so, miserable horrible weather makes it necessary to seek shelter, leading to a detour, while at the same time putting everyone in a bad mood… which leads to an uncomfortable amount of truth..
It’s fan fiction — spending quality time with the characters isn’t wrong. But if you’re bored with it … why? Would eliding that chapter and going on to the next one help?
You could try throwing in a random encounter (as the old tabletop RPG player comes out) while they’re gathering firewood. They’d get a chance to try fighting in their current bodies. Polla might have to rescue them, or at least provide backup, and could certainly give pointers.