Conlang all year round – Febumantau in August

As I said yesterday, I decided I missed conlanging, and as I’ve missed many months of “365 Conlang thingies beyond #Lexember,” I decided in the remains of August, I would cycle through the first 8 months twice of conlang-exercises twice.

Today is Febumantau – Create compound word a day for February. It specifically says it doesn’t have to be a portmanteau, but I decided to try for the challenge, especially since…

Portmanteaus are actually the rule rather than the exception in modern Calenyen, which tends to mush words together in compound words and then drop syllables. Yesterday’s words began as portmanteaus.

A modern-to-Edally-era would be

taabaam, pipe (from baam, tube and Taabo, an artifice, a “work”, i.e, pipes themselves are “tubeworks.”)

tyaala, a clog, from aatyaa, to obstruct.

tyaabaam, generally a figure of speech, a clog in the works.

Old Tongue is a much less active language; it is more or less dead, used for code and private conversations, for scholarly texts on Ellehemaei, magic, and the nature thereof, and sometimes for artwork.

Still, when you teach a school full of teenagers a language, eventually someone will come up with some mash-ups.

Although the word daetoshiar, “Sanctity”, already existed, some students of Addergoole decided “doorway-smash” better explained the feeling of discovering the sanctity of a doorway for the first time (i.e., that moment when you find you can’t enter a room without invitation because of the Laws of Sanctity).

Hiashebbana is a doorway, a threshold, the place you welcome people into your home.

Onussie, “to smash,” the sensation of smashing.

From those you get “Hiashebonussie” or just “Hiashebonus.”

(or, from some, Hiashe-smash.)

If you are not already following Haikujaguar, I suggest you check out her post today – 581 Words: on Language as Intermediary. Edited to add: MCA Hogarth deleted all social media but Twitter and moved to Patreon for reasons I completely support. 



Febmanteau 2

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