I’m going through 365 Conlang thingies beyond #Lexember one month a day (or so) until I get bored.
Here is the Julectury (“Write a lecture, lesson or 140 letter pedagogical tweet each day explaining how your language works”) which I wrote last week.
Calenyen is an agglutinating language with a habit of dropping syllables and an immensely casual attitude towards parts of speech (nouning verbs and so on).
It is also a language — like the culture itself — full of borrowing and thus loan-words, which, like most of the things the Calenyena borrows, it puts its own spin and flavor on.
So, for example, learnis see-do, dok, get, doket.
Child is Leroo; plural Leroone.
That makes school Learn-kids, doket-Leroone (and sometimes doket-oone
heleva is a Bitrani word from the Tabersi goddess Heleviaria, Deity of lines and boundaries. It means a meet and proper boundary, usually a property line, but also the lines between countries.
Teleba is the Calenyen word with the similar concept, agreed-upon border; but tol-tyeleba, toleba, is a border dispute over a bad border, something not allowable in the original Bitrani word.
Sentence Structure.
Old Tongue plays fast and use with sentence structure poetically, although in scholarly documents it tends to stick to one structure for the body of the text.
Most common is [Verb] [Subject] [Object], with modifiers coming directly after the modified object.
It is written from left to right.
Morphambruary 1
Febmanteau 1
Polysemarch 1
Juneme 1
Augovernust 1
Morphambruary 2
Febmanteau 2
Juneme 2/2.5
AugGOVERNust 2
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