“And I hope I never see you again!”
The door slammed shut with a clang of finality. Karl leaned against the wall and put his hands over his face. It wasn’t dark yet; he had maybe fifteen minute till the moon came up. It didn’t matter. He couldn’t go after her.
He shouldn’t go after her. Melody had been nothing but trouble from the first time he’d seen her. She liked to tease, fine. She liked to flirt, fine. Sure, he got a little bit growly sometimes but he wasn’t an animal, well, all right, he wasn’t a monster, well… look, he wasn’t a bad guy, okay? He wasn’t going to make a scene just because his girlfriend wanted to smile at some other guy. Only assholes did that, and if Karl was sure of one thing, it was that he wasn’t an asshole.
She liked to nit-pick. That got to him worse than the flirting, because the flirting, he knew she was trying to rile him up, but it was easy enough to just sit back and watch the way she moved, and the way all the guys knew she’d come in with him and was likely leaving with him. Karl wasn’t a bit guy, but he had that air of menace thing down to an art form, and he made guys twice his size nervous. But the nit-picking? He wasn’t going to try to intimidate his girlfriend, and Melody didn’t really stop otherwise. He wouldn’t beg her, he wouldn’t give in to all the dozens of things she wanted him to change on any given day, and he wouldn’t apologize for being himself. So he got yelled at, and did not yell back, or snarl, or look in the least bit scary.
He didn’t even know what the last straw had been. He didn’t particularly care, or, at least, he didn’t want to care. He couldn’t go after her. He shouldn’t go after her, with the moon about to rise. He did his best to not be intimidating, but the wolf inside him had no such compunctions.
And he couldn’t, because she’d taken the key to his Moon-time cage with her, and Karl could see his cell phone. On the other side of the basement, on the nightstand.
He banged his head against the wall again. At least the moon would be here soon.
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I feel like he should have a better girlfriend. This one does not value what she has.
Leaving him locked in a cage without means of communication is rather beyond “does not value what she has”. Maybe there’s more backstory here, or she intends to come back despite the words, but at least from this perspective she looks to fall somewhere between sadistic jackass and murderer.