Stolen from kay_brooke,
novel_machinist, and
thebonesofferalletters, and, as per the apparent trend, altered slightly:
I’m asking for one word prompts1,2. I’ll write whatever first comes to mind with those words. It might be a story, ramblings about a character, a conlang or worldbuilding musing, or something from my life.
1. Up to 10 per person.3
2. Bonus: You can post as many words in your prompt as you want as long as they all start with the same letter/same first few letters.
3. Additional prompts to any given day may be used to pick-and-choose, or they may be posted to Patreon or as an Edally or Adddergoole post. That means even when the dates are all filed, you can still leave more prompts!
1st: Endings – novel_machinist –
2nd: Oregano – kelkyag –
3rd: Butterflies – anke –
4th: Sunrise – anke –
5th: Glitter – anke –
6th: Swishy skirts *
7th: Seven silly sausage sellers swilling snazzy sodas
8th: Purple pretenses*
9th: Baking *
10th: Busy bees buzzing brightly, bearing beauteous bouquets *
11th: Dubious dirty diapers* kelkyag –
12th: Giant giraffes gambol gingerly*
13th: Poise*
14th: Ancient aardvarks are always achey – kelkyag –
15th: Careful consideration – kelkyag –
16th: Underneath umbrellas, unicorns unite – kelkyag –
17th: Stylish scalloped skirts swish shockingly kelkyag –
18th: Miracle*
19th: Tendril *
20th: Yoke *
21st: Ambiguity *
22nd: xerographing xenophobic, xanthopyllous xanthiums*
23rd: Void *
24th: Forbidden, forgotten, foreshadowing, forgiving*
25th: poffertjes*
26th: Deep delving dwarves discover dragons; discussions, disagreements develop.*
27th: Bombastic bishop blusters, bristles.*
28th: Everyone eats everything.*
29th: Wet waif wanders westward where wounded warrior waits.*
30th: Two tugboats twist, tumble through tsunami; trading town turns tumultuous.*
31st: Buxom barkskinned broad bestows bat; beribboned baseball babe blooms before big bout *
32nd: Crystal critters *
33rd: Love leaves longing *
34th: Swish swish swish *
* prompts were not date-specific.
TWELVE overshot overseers overthrowing overwhelmed ovoids…
1-12 please~~~
🥚— Lyn Thorne-Alder 🍂 (@ThorneWrites) December 15, 2016
This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.
Oregano Purple pretenses Dubious dirty diapers Giant giraffes gambol gingerly Ancient aardvarks are always achey Poise Careful consideration Marinate minced mangoes Underneath umbrellas, unicorns unite Stylish scalloped skirts swish shockingly ETA: umm, was I supposed to give days?
*points above* no need. Gives me more wiggle room if you don’t, TBH
Okay! The instructions didn’t say to, but the tweets and the dw comments both gave days/numbers, so I wasn’t sure.
Either way works for me~
Haha yes, that is the response I thought I’d get. Go forth and learn! ^_^ Or in the possible case you get back a bunch of websites you can’t understand – they might be better known as dutch pancakes
Deep delving dwarves discover dragons; discussions, disagreements develop. Bombastic bishop blusters, bristles. Everyone eats everything. Wet waif wanders westward where wounded warrior waits. Two tugboats twist, tumble through tsunami; trading town turns tumultuous.
Wow! Well writ!
Buxom barkskinned broad bestows bat; beribboned baseball babe blooms before big bout (I blame for egging me on.)