Archive | August 14, 2017

Read My Story “The Greatest Victory” in Tales of the Sunrise Lands

It is said that the greatest of soldiers stands backed by every soldier in the army, and every soldier who came before.

It is said that the greatest of politicians stands backed by their entire district and their entire nation.

General Tsukushi Tada, it is said, held off an entire army with the strength of his voice alone.  But there is more to the story than that.

Tales of the Sunrise Lands is available now from Guardbridge Books.  Read my short story, “The Greatest Victory,” and seventeen others “inspired by the culture and literary traditions of Japan. From steadfast samurai and contemplative monks, to transforming animals, horrifying spirits and everyday objects come to life, these tales transport you to the magical world of the Sunrise Lands.”

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This week on our 1870’s farmhouse, we’re demolishing the ceiling(s) of the bathroom!

The first thing to do was pull out all the old insulation – and junk – from the attic side.  After our homeowners (us) pulled out eight or nine garbage bags of old cellulose insulation…

Take a Peek!

Originally posted April 15, 2013.  


It all began with the first of us, called, as was appropriate and due, the Alpha.

I never knew what other name the Alpha might have held, before this place, before Everything Else. But sometimes we called her Anna, or Angie, when we were being informal.

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Speaking of Magical dates…here is the Day of Magic in Fae Apoc!


In the world of the Faerie Apocalypse – Addergoole, Doomsday, etc. – there is something that is colloquially called The Blindness of the Gods, and something called a Mask.

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