Liv-clean opened the door and peeked inside. “I think we’re still in the same world,” she murmured. “And I don’t think it has anything to do with Beavers, but I think – well, come on. I think it’s a store.”
“A store.” Dirty-Liv grumbled. “If it involves clowns, knives, or fish, I’m going the other way.”
Abigail was with her on that one. “Let’s peek?”
They ducked in through the doorway and looked around. It was – well, it really did look like a store would look, if it were inside several trees all at once. There were large branches stuck out from the walls at strange angles holding clothing on hangers, and in the front was a desk like a register.
“Hello?” Abigail called out, at a loud whisper. “Hello?”
“There’s dust everywhere,” Liv pointed out. “Half the malls we’ve been to have been abandoned. This one looks – a little less recently abandoned, maybe? I can get clothes that fit. Even if I do want a shower.”
“There’s a fountain back here,” Clean-Liv called. “We could all clean up. And maybe leave something for payment. I mean, I guess we could just take things. It’s not shoplifting if they’re not coming back, is it?”
“Cleaning up sounds great.” Even if Abigail was still wearing her normal clothes, she still felt like she’d – well, fought an army and waded through an ocean in them. “Is there any food?”
“Would it be safe to eat, if there were?” Dirty-Liv sounded worried. “We gave in to eating after a while, but I never have figured out if it was safe.”
“Well, you’re… you’re still alive, right, and it didn’t make you sick?” Abigail offered.
“But what if it was like Persephone and the pomegranate and I’m stuck? We never did find a door that opened into anything like normalcy.” They could hear splashing from the other side of the small store, where Liv’s voice was occasionally obscured.
“Well… then you’re probably stuck, now, but we could find a nice, cozy mall to settle down in if it comes to it? I don’t want to.” She held up both her hands, stopped as she remembered she was still holding on to a Liv, and shook her head. “Not that I WANT to stay in the mall. I want to go home. We all want to go home. But maybe – well, maybe we should start thinking about a Plan B?”
“So far,” Liv-Dirty pointed out, “we haven’t seen anything like a nice or cozy place since the first weird one. Not unless you count this, and I’m not really sure this counts as cozy yet. We’d have to see if there’s sharks or bears or something first. Come on back here, you two, there’s plenty of room. And Liv, grab some clothes in your size.”
“You’re not actually my size anymore. I know the clothes hide it, but you’ve lost a lot of weight.” Liv picked up a couple handfuls of clothes and handed a couple to Abigail.
“I want to be happy about it, but believe me, you do not want the Mall Hopping Weight Loss Plan. Come on back, the water’s – oh.”
Want More?
- Landing Page: The Hidden Mall
- The Hidden Mall – a beginning of something
- The Hidden Mall Part II
- The Hidden mall Part III
- The Hidden Mall Part IV
- The Hidden Mall Part V
- The Hidden Mall Part VI
- The Hidden Mall Part VII
- The Hidden Mall part VIII
- The Hidden Mall part IX
- The Hidden Mall part X: Plastic Bullies
- The Hidden Mall Part XI: The Narnia Thing
- The Hidden Mall Thirteen: Deep Water
- The Hidden Mall Part XII: Rescue
- The Hidden Mall Fourteen: Books and Bad Decisions
- The Hidden Mall: Blood, Thicker Than
- The Hidden Mall: Into the Woods
- The Hidden Mall: Cozy and Clean?
- The Hidden Mall: Liv, Liv, Liv
- The Hidden Mall:
Where There’s Smoke…
- The Hidden Mall:
- The Hidden Mall: Moving On
- The Hidden Mall: Ropes
- The Hidden Mall: Normal
- The Hidden Mall: Circles
- The Hidden Mall: Back the Way They Came
- The Hidden Mall
Rip Van Winkle
- The Hidden Mall: Reunions
- The Hidden Mall 28: Clean
- The Hidden Mall 29: Say What?
- The Hidden Mall: Aberrant!
- The Hidden Mall 31: Stay Alive
- The Hidden Mall 32: Advice
- The Hidden Mall 33: Copies
- The Hidden Mall 34: Ordinaire
- Hidden Mall 35: Miss Piggy
- The Hidden Mall 36: Further up and further in
- The Hidden Mall 37: By a Thread
- Hidden Mall Thirty-Eight: Open Air
- The Hidden Mall 39: Don’t Look Down
- The Hidden Mall 40: Bad Ideas
- Hidden Mall 41: Big Ideas
- Hidden Mall 42: Rescued
- The Hidden Mall 43 – Vic(tim)
- Hidden Mall 44: Story
“If it involved clowns, knives, or fish, I’m going the other way.”
Given what they’ve gone through so far, I wouldn’t be surprised if they ran into clownfish carrying knives. Which is, just to be clear, what I’m expecting from that “oh” at the end.
Replacement clothes are good; particularly if either of their bandages need changing. I was hoping they’d get some sort of break with the fountain and bathing (even if it was one bathing, two guarding) for a bit, but I’m guessing that the cliffhanger suggests otherwise.
Mall Hopping Weight Loss Plan sounds like it shouldn’t work — I’ve eaten in mall food courts! — but they haven’t found a working food court in a while, have they.
Yeah, I think it’s more like “small bursts of too many calories and then nothing again.”
Damn, it’s gonna be a while before they manage to change bandages…
Wonder what’s next.