Archive | December 2017

The Hidden Mall: Moving On

♪ I think this line’s mostly filler ♫— the Buffy Musical

“Um.”  Abigail looked between the three of them and held out the candy in her pocket.  “I took it, but I didn’t- hey!” She closed her hand around it as her Liv grabbed for it.

“Yeah, I’d say throw that out, but you’d have to destroy it utterly.  Okay, you should be fine, but try to get rid of that now that Liv notices you have it. I’m not saying that it’ll get you home, by the way, but there’s something about the -hey!” Continue reading

Conlang for Lexember!

Day 1 & 8

Day 12, oops!

So, I’m doing what, every 4 days?

Before the Curse hit their little corner of the world, the Shou were known as the finest artists in all the land – poetry, painted art, sculpture.   Now they are known as the finest artificers, but they do still hold some vestiges of art.

They live a shorter lifespan then the average human-variant, but they make up for this with a very quick childhood and a very intense apprenticeship/scholarly period.  The apprenticeship is known as “the hard years” and is both headed and followed by  one-year “wander times”

Child: notey (NOTE-ay)

(this is a word that is about as generic as “child,” meaning any non-adult.

Apprentice – Het tppey (HET tp(pop)-hay)

to apprentice – Het tpp o

(Fiassh apprenticed to Eyone on her tenth year, when she stopped being a child).

And from that, to take as an apprenticeTcho het tpp o, which shortened after some time to Tcho o .  Technically, that just means to take on, but it is always used in meaning to take on as an apprentice.  One who takes on: tchotey.

Sound Inventory 2

I’ve used F, t, pp, S, sh, tch, h, n, kw
ee, e, oou, (a) e, ia (yuh), ey (Fonzie!), o

Running in the Bear Empire – a beginning of a story

For Rowyn.


Someone was on her trail.

Deline knew it.  She could feel it in the prickle on the back of her neck, the way that sometimes it seemed like there was an extra shadow to her shadow, the unsettled feeling that left her leaving her bed in the middle of the night and hitting the road again.

She had been moving for days – no, weeks.  She had left Dekleg behind more than five days ago, and with it the laws that she’d broken.  And Dekleg did not talk to the Elherion Empire, nor the Empire to Dekleg, much less exchange prisoners.  Deline was not even sure if they had any laws in common – which, since she’d spent the last ten years before Dekleg in the Empire, was how she’d gotten in trouble in the first place.

But someone was tracking her, and she didn’t imagine they were doing it to ask her to work for them or to shake her hand for the fine things she’d done in deep Dekleg, where she had dealt with some frankly horrible things. Continue reading

Conlang for Lexember!!

I am going to build a language for one of the Cursteroids races.

Today I am going to decide what I want it to sound like.


Okay, it’s a whistley language with some stops and some long vowels.

And since it’s LEX ember…
Feee-t’tpp, which will get a better transcription later, is a semi-onomatopoeic swoop/dive.

Oh, I guess this is a flying race. Good to know! Continue reading

About the New Patreon Fee Announcement: Options, Questions

 crossposted from Patreon.

So, Patreon has, over the last couple days, released first an announcement and then a clarification about its fee structure.  (here: )
What this means for patrons is a $0.35 + 2.9% fee added on to every pledge
I have been considering my options while flailing about with every other creator who thinks this is a horrible, awful, very bad idea. 
So far, I have come up with broadly three plans:
* try one of the Patreon “alternatives:” Gumroad, librepay, the Kickstarter one that isn’t out yet. (main problems: Librepay does not allow paywalled projects, which I like, and its format isn’t as robust, from quick looks.  Kickstarter isn’t out yet.  Gumroad has slightly higher fees, so that’s out, unless I misread their fee schedule)
* Start a newsletter I send out 2? times a month to subscribers.  Major problems with that: what do I do about different donation tiers?  And I really like the constant feedback and regular posting schedule of doing things every week). 
* Replicate Patreon in subscriber-locked posts, either on my wordpress blog or on a subdomain blog just for that.  (Main problems: the upkeep.  I might have to rely on people to tell me if their donation has expired). 
I really enjoy the format here at Patreon, although there are many options I would like that don’t exist yet (archiving, for one!).  I like being motivated to post every week, I like looking through reposts, and I like the stretch of things like the maps.  (*guilty glance at the map tag*). 
But I don’t think anyone needs to pay that sort of fee, when the whole idea was to encourage microtransactions. 

That’s not as important, however, as what you think, so please tell me: what do you think about my options?

Chasing Myths – a Fae Apoc story for Patreon

The Council had Geraldine chasing fairy tales and urban legends.

There were two things Geraldine knew without a doubt about the High Council of the Shenera Endraee.

The first was that they were immensely slow to change, change happening more often because a Council member had been overthrown (which occurred perhaps twice a millennium) than because they’d agreed to it as a group.

The second was that they were very, very attached to their regulations. Continue reading

A New Lease on Life

Written to @lilfluff’s prompt 

Leaving home for a weekend and returning to find your home and entire neighborhood has been replaced.


“My house is gone!”

Ed Lawton was furious.  He slammed his fist down on the counter, leaned forward, and got as close to the clerk as he could.  

The New Lease on Life clerk seemed entirely unbothered by this.  While Ed wasn’t going to give an inch, he found himself wondering if the woman was one of the new android models he’d been hearing about.  

Or maybe she just heard this a lot.  “The brochure said ‘Get away from it all.’ sir.  And you have, indeed, gotten away from it all.” Continue reading

Patreon Posts!

Originally posted  March 9th, 2011.


They were building it anew.

There hadn’t been much left after the devastation, and the city they’d lived in had been a stinking, rotten, fetid ruin. Better to leave it to the dead and dying, better to leave the diseases to work their course. Those of them who could walk, who could carry a pack, who wanted to live, had banded together and headed for the hills.

Read On

Nobody in the Fae Apoc really knows what’s going on, do they…?


The Grigori would not listen to her.

Natela was not particularly surprised.  For one, the Grigori rarely listened to anyone who was not Grigori, and although she had their blood, she was not of them, but by their standards.

Open to all Patrons!

This story takes place 50 years past the original story, nearly 40 years after the apocalypse, after the Retirement stories.


Kailani and Rozen were being followed.

Not exactly followed — more like followed-in-front-of — and not by a person or people.  Rozen would have been able to deal with people.

Open to All Patrons!

The Trouble With Assignments….

After The Trouble With Chickens… and The Trouble With Theories…, without which this story won’t make much sense. 


The Lost Buildings encompassed what had once been the pride of the University.  They were tall and glorious, stately, and done in the Pecerin style of architecture that nobody seemed to be able to imitate anymore.

(Personally, Trenner thought it had something to do with the amount of opium Pecerin and her disciples had partaken of, but that had gotten her a few too many Hate Points in her architecture elective.) Continue reading

The Magic Tree

Written to @InspectorCaracal’s prompt, also the title of this piece. 


The tree stood in the middle of a blasted wasteland, and the one thing that everyone agreed on was that it was magic.

Whether it had been put up by one of the last mages in the great wars as a way to heal the wasteland, or whether its creation had formed the wasteland, nobody could agree.  Whether it was a blessing or a menace, no two people concurred on.  And thus there were two paths through the wasteland, one that ran right next to the tree, and the other which wandered almost a mile away to avoid it.

The tree itself loomed over its own oasis, a small circle of greenery in the middle of an otherwise lifeless expanse.  It was easily over thirty feet wide at the base, and it loomed two hundred feet in the air.  And yet its lowest branches were easily reachable from the ground.  Continue reading