Tootplanet: Captain’s Log Sector 7, Subector 18

Star Log, Sec. 7, Sub 18-1

This planet is larger than Earth but not amazingly so, and it is dryer than Earth but not horribly so.

What is really notable is how flat it is, with only a small amount of variation between the high and low spots, and how quiet it is.  There is little axial tilt, but enough to make it almost homelike; the tides ride far up on the beaches.

There is civilization here, although they appear to live in low buildings made mostly of wood.  Stone and metal appear in short supply.  

We sent down a polite greeting probe.

Star Log, Sec. 7, Sub 18-2

We were uncertain at first glance if this planet could sustain life.  Its lang masses are almost all at its poles, with only a scattering of small islands like a crooked dotted line between them.  But the southern continent – almost as large as Africa, if considerably closer to round – has greenery and what appears to be some sort of animal life.

We were reluctant to send down a team, but the readings were so good, it was hard to resist.  A small colony might be very happy here.

Star Log, Sec. 7, Sub 18-3

This planet is lightly inhabited – it looks like the equivalent of early Iron-age technology.  We won’t bother them, although we will note to visit every 100 years.

The strange thing here is that the continents and landmasses are bilaterally symmetrical, eerily so – and in sharp contrast, all of their buildings, structures, even their roads are defiantly, aggressively asymmetrical.

We would blame it on some strange trend, but even the ruins we’ve seen share the same lopsided style.

And yet their seas could be drawn with a compass and their mountains with a ruler.




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