Eseme put herself in Textiles House, so I needed a title.
Okay, this one is going to get a bit complicated.
We’re looking for a broad term for textiles-maker.
In the looking for this work, we found, ah, embroidery:
from tyek, a word for drawing.
you end up with benyentyek, bentyek, art-with-a-needle, embroidery.
We also found:
Make, to create, to craft: Tair (this word, from an old word meaning “skill,” which can also be seen in -tairook, “with care” or “with practiced care”)
So what we’re looking for is “Maker of”, which is different from “Person who-“; this one is Taizh.
And then we need textiles.
Now, the Calenyna have several different words for cloth, depending on the source and purpose.
Pazit-tur, paztur, is goat-cloth, felt.
demriem is loom-stuff (dem- being stuff-of), woven clothe.
So a maker of textiles is generally a Taizhriem
Beause the Calenyena drop syllables wherever they can.
Thus Eseme is Taizhriem Ziezamaizai.
Taizh rhymes with Tie, riem is said like ream-of-paper. Zeez zam-like-Sam, maiz, my’s; zai rhymes with tie.
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