Supplementary Exploration Log – P.Date 198
On a planet this small, I thought we’d run out of things to explore.
Today, I found a canyon barely wider than my hips, and in that canyon, I found a thriving species of mice.
Planetary Date 252
We’ve spent a week exploring a lake that is barely bigger than a swimming pool but deeper than anything short of an ocean trench has any right to be, especially on this tiny planet.
Its water is potable, its southern beach is beautiful, and its animals range from the adorable – tiny rainbow fish the size of a fingernail! – to the outright terrifying.
Falip nearly died when something grabbed her leg and dragged her under. From her scrambled reports, it was a many-armed creature the size of a man.
We haven’t been able to find any other sign of its existence, but we intend to keep looking – and to be very careful in that water.