Weekend, with planting and… other things.

So, I had a nice 4-day weekend, what about you?

We saw Deadpool 2 (not quite as good as Deadpool 1, but a lot of fun, and Domino was absolutely awesome).  

We planted: 7 tomatoes (2 varieties) 5 peppers (3 varieties), 1 eggplant, 6 kale, a tarragon and a parsley (having planted three roses before the weekend).  We cleared out 4 bags of drywall and insulation from the attic. I cleaned the house. We shopped for cars…

*record scratch*

Oh, yeah.  So I uh. My car and I had a small disagreement with a large truck (someone turned in front of him, he stopped fast.  I stopped…. less fast). My car is — was — a 2008 Yaris. The truck got way the better end of the deal.

So now we’re looking for a fuel-efficient Japanese or Korean car tall enough inside for my 6’4” husband and comfortable for my arthritic bones.

We’ve got it narrowed down to about 8 models…

Anyway! We went to the farmer’s market, grilled outside (asparagus from our own garden!), chilled out a bit and generally had a good time.

How was your weekend?

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