Chitter squealed as she was dragged into the back seat, but the moment Erramun was cradling her, she stopped complaining. “I’m—” She smushed her face into Erramun’s chest.
“Easy, my young friend, easy. There’s always going to be more that you can learn. There’s always going to be more that you can do. But you can only grow so fast, and you can only do so much. It’s a hard lesson to learn, I know—”
“It’s a stupid lesson,” Chitter muttered. Ezer kept his face forward and drove, but Senga could see him peering in the rear-view at them.
“It is,” he agreed, “but we all have to learn it at some point. So. I’ll help you get the education you need, but you have to accept that it’s okay. You made a mistake, yes, but nobody got hurt-”
“You got shot!” Continue reading