Originally posted on Patreon in March 2019 and part of the Great Patreon Crossposting to WordPress.
So I’m writing a particularly moving-around-heavy portion of a story.
Nathen saw the stairway down between two stoops going upward…. There was a closed and locked door in front of them. Nathen glared. Sure, opening it wouldn’t be hard – but it would be obvious.
Oh. The Social one perked up. Turn.
Nathen turned to the right. The door there was almost invisible – no knob, hidden hinges, painted the same color as the wall. He gave it a careful push.
The door swung open into a narrow hallway. He pushed the door shut behind him and whispered a dark-sight Working just as the light from the entryway vanished. Forward….
…He made his way down stairs that were half-gone…
…”You don’t want to go out the front. This way.”…
…They were out the back door, up another set of stairs, and into a narrow strip of yard quickly after that. Their guide took a quick look around and headed straight back, towards the next row of yards. There was a gap in the fence – the Other mended it behind them – and a narrow alleyway between two buildings.
They zig-zagged through three more blocks in quick succession, leaving subtle obstructions where they would seem coincidental, until they reached a semi-collapsed row of brownstones.
So, of course, first I had to figure out this weird layout, which I did during a rather long meeting.
And then, when I started writing them fleeing, well, yes, I Excel’d up a whole set of like 6 city blocks of brownstone-style houses.
And then I figured out how to draw Nathen’s route (and then with Leo) through this neighborhood to the place where they end up.
Which, no, doesn’t have a floor plan yet.
Red dashed line on the Excel map is their route; grey is roads, green is yard and alleyways, black dotted lines are fences, and house-shapes that are in dashed lines are in a state of broken, half-falling-apart, maybe-a-dragon-landed here.
Big dragon. Small Godzilla. You know.