This one is just sort of silly. Maybe an intro to something?
Perfect is the enemy of Good.
That’s engraved on the lintel of our headquarters.
Well, it would be, but what’s really there is Firehouse 14.
It’s a good building, and the fire company has since moved somewhere else, bigger place, I think, more poles.
We moved in the way we do most things – quickly, efficiently, with a minimum of excess energy.
Which means, of course (of course) that I’m sleeping in an old firemen’s dormitory and so are the other seven of us.
We put out fires, after all. Sort of. Sometimes we light them.
We’re the Cleaning Team, which is kind of a funny name for us, but it’s what we came up with while drinking vodka one night. We get things done.
We don’t get them done cheaply. We don’t get them done elegantly. We get them done on time and well. (You know: on time, in budget, in scope, pick two.)
And we get them done – if not cleanly, then “cleanly.”
That is. If it is illegal or questionably moral, It will never come back to us. It will never come back to you.
If it is shining and bright and just needs to be done quickly, you will get all the lauds and we will be invisible.
Just don’t ask questions.
That, we actually have a sign for, on the front desk, next to the “Quick And Dirty, Done” sign that our secretary came up with.
(We do actually have a “don’t kill the client” clause in our (unwritten) contracts, but that one has its own escape clause (Our contracts are the one thing we didn’t do quick nor dirty).)
Perfect is the enemy of Good.
And let me tell you, you want it done, we can get it done Quick and really, really Good.
Written to May 16th’s Thimbleful Thursday Prompt.
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Yikes, these people are scary. On purpose no doubt.
They really, really know their niche.
*grins* yes. Very scary. Very purposefully.