You might have noticed that I’ve been working on the Fae Apoc Landing Page, and you may have noticed it’s a bit of a bear.
It occurred to me that I could actually have some help with this!
The biggest part of doing the landing page is:
- identifying series stories or groups that are in a lump together (generally at least 3 stories)
- Determining if they have a unique tag or category
- If not, adding a tag
How you could help
Steps one and two require no access to the backend! If you post here with stories that need that –
- Shit Keeps Coming, a continuation of Fae Apoc for the February Giraffe Call
- Shit, Fan, a continuation of Fae Apoc for the February Giraffe Call
- Deep Shit, a continuation of Fae Apoc for the March Giraffe Call
No tag in common.
(Short titles are fine, but I just copy/pasted this from the landing page)
(Either in the main The Stories header or within the Addergoole header)
(Bonus: Doing this made me realize that one story had failed to crosspost! So if you notice that, say, Deep Shit refers to “Up Shit Creek” and you can’t find that – mention that please. It might just not be in the Fae Apoc category, or it might fall in that 4-month period where things didn’t quite crosspost right. Find one of those and I’ll add 3 minutes to the reward below.)
What you get
for every two sets found for me , I will write 15 minutes (or 6 minutes for one set) and post on any story or prompt (within my normal limits, i.e., if it squicks me I don’t do it) you request!
Darnit! Now I have to go back and re-read all of the Fae Apoc stories. Again. For like the 3rd or 4th time. Life is hard .. 🙂
Are you looking for things that are only on this site or do you want me to go through other locations you post to as well?
All this site, I believe.
Thank you!
Could you please provide an example of a set of posts that do have the unique tag/category that you’re looking for?
I think I found some appropriate posts, but I don’t know if I’ve got it right because they already have the Faeapoc tag.
I think I don’t quite understand what you’re trying to do with tags in general, but that’s a larger problem with potentially no clear answer haha
For instance: Spoils of War for example.
Each of these also have the tag “Spoils-of-war”, so they can have their own listing – if you look at the table of contents on the fae apoc landing page, you can see 1.15 Spoils of War (number might change if I do more work on this after I post this).