Archive | August 2019
Haunted House 58: Happy
First: A story featuring a male keeper and a female Kept.
The chickens were excited when Mélanie went out to feed them, clucking away at something. Mélanie tensed, worried she was going to find something strange in the pen again — but it was only one of the rescued former slaves, clucking back at them. He jumped when Mélanie approached.
“Oh, sorry! I just– I used to be in charge of the animals–“
“If you want to feed them and get the eggs, I’d appreciate it. I’ll go turn the horses out into their paddock then.” If they were going to have company long-term – and House seemed to think they would – they might want to think about getting a rooster around and hatching some more chickens. “The food’s kept right over here, in the barn.” Continue reading
Running in the Bear Empire 52: Tales

First: Running in the Bear Empire
Previous:51: Lady
Next: 53: the Swan
Pallar kept a map behind her bar.
It was a broad, big map, taking up most of the space behind the bar, a portion of it turning around the corner to show all of the mountains in their glory. And it had a scale, carefully listed in both the Imperial shede and Haloran fetter. From the looks of things, they were half a day from the capital the way the two of them would walk, or a little over a day the way they traveled with their little train of people. Continue reading
If I had thought Girl Scouts was difficult, I had not remotely been prepared for summer camp.
Jin had not cared all that much when younger, preferring to spend the days at the neighborhood pool and the evenings with his friends. Junie… Junie was more of a belonging sort than Jin — or, truth be told, than either Sage or I.
All her friends at school were going to summer camp. Junie wanted to go to summer camp.
Easier said than done.
Places that were eager for my money and Junie’s enrollment were suddenly full with a long waiting list when our address came up. Some places wouldn’t answer my calls. One place hung up on me. Continue reading