First: Running in the Bear Empire
Previous:56 – His Grace by the Claw of the Bear Herself
Next: 58 – Husband and Emperor
The way Carrone was holding his jaw, Deline wasn’t sure if he was afraid he might say something wrong or that he might vomit. She held his hand anyway and led him into the Emperor’s bathing chamber.
Unlike Pethiarrie, the two Claws standing guard didn’t give Deline any trouble. She nodded very politely to them – Seliarre, an Eagle Talon, and Teran, a Fox-Claw – and led Carrone over the tub.
You’d want me in your bed with the Emperor there., he’d asked, way back in the cabin, before things had gotten even more complicated.
What are you doing to do? Glare him to death? she’d countered. The way Carrone was looking now, she thought it might be a concern.
The Emperor was up to his neck in water, one bath attendants in the tub, kneeling in front of him, while the other was massaging his scalp and his long white hair with a scented soap. He opened his eyes as they entered. Continue reading