First: Purchased: Negotiation
Sylviane patted Leander’s shoulder and smiled brightly at him. He hoped he didn’t look as nervous as she was acting like he did. “We’re going. I’m driving, if that’s fine with you.”
Leander felt as if his head was full in a way it hadn’t been – possibly ever. He had taken notes in the seminar because Sylviane was – and because she’d given him a notebook and a pen and it seemed to be what you were supposed to do – but most of his notes had been looking at her notes and writing down something similar.
He had, he realized, no idea how to handle this whole school thing – and this had just been a seminar.
He’d listened to the woman at the front of the room talk – it was a discussion on how data could be used or abused in manners to make your business better for you, to make it better for your customers, or possibly both – and had written down a bunch of questions as he got confused, but when the time came for questions, he’d left that to people who were supposed to be here.
(Sylviane had, in three cases, written down an answer to his questions right under them, so he was glad he hadn’t asked any of them out loud). Continue reading