Began here.
Chapter 2 here
The Princess of many names (who we will refer to as Malina for simplicity’s sake) looked between a sand map of the city and the sand-cat sitting on the throne. Staring back at her from the map was a figure that seemed to represent her, and staring at her from the throne was a cat.
The cat stretched and turned around twice on the throne. “You are correct. Not just the map, which is usually right about these things, but the land here, the tower here, this whole place. All of it believes you are important.”
“Because I’m named after a grandmother?”
“Well, several of your names certainly help in the process.” The cat reached up towards the top of the throne, claws piercing the upholstery. “There is a power in names, you know. There is a strength in them, and that power gives you, say, a tool. But the person using the tool is just as important.”
“I’m just, well, I’m here because I got lost at a party, because I got tired of the crowds,” Malina protested. Continue reading