As I have done for several New Year’s Eves, I’m opening up a small prompt call (As this is past midnight now for many of my friends, I’ll keep this open for 24 hours).
The theme for this prompt call is
Signs, Portents, & Harbingers
Prompt away!
All may prompt & I will try to write to at least one prompt for everyone (between Now and Monday, because there’s a slight migraineyness happening…)
Please see my Prompting Policies if you have any questions.
The moon is full on New Year’s Eve
Black cats aren’t inherently unlucky, but they have that reputation for a good reason.
In the Blizzard setting, there are 2 identical snowflakes.
A solar eclipse on New Years Day.
Interpreting migraine auras. (Hope yours passes soon!)
Aunt Family: Consider your question when picking your medium. Tea, cocoa, cards, fire, …?
Re-interpreting a prophesy.
A gambler’s lucky dice aren’t ones they’d ever use in a game.
Aud reading tea leaves.
I liked all of these so much! I went with one but might go back for another one~
<bounces> Which? Where? >grabby hands<
It’s an inviting meta-topic that works with a bunch of your ‘verses and all sorts of tropes and images. (Ideas are easy, implementation is hard. Fling ideas and see if someone else runs with them! Wheeee!)
Scheduled to post on the 21st in the afternoon/evening! Sorry, didn’t mean to get your hopes up too soon~~
Oh, that hardly takes any patience at all. I was afraid I’d missed it somewhere entirely. 🙂
A magpie or other wild animal that cannot speak trying to get a message across to humans.
A new tarot card appearingin the deck during a reading.
Negative-feeling dreams predicting a positive event, or the other way around.