Archive | January 2021

Fae Apoc: Dragons vs. Wyverns

I’ve written a lot about wyverns and dragons in Fae Apoc, but just now, I realized that I was making a distinction in my head that a) was not quite the common parlance description and b) I don’t think I’d explained anywhere outside of a roleplay session in my attic, sitting on Rion’s bed, when it was Rion’s bedroom.

So here goes!

In Fae Apoc, as you may know or recall, a Dragon usually refers to those that are commonly assumed to be the Nedetakaei/Shenera Oseraei Daeva.

Nedetakaei Dragons are shapeshifters; as with Shenera Endraae Daeva, they can change into any look and gender at will; unlike the Shenera Endraae, they can also become Creatures – as they get older, they can become bigger and bigger (or, in turn, smaller and smaller, although then getting bigger does take considerable energy.)  They become dragons, as in mythology, although they – and the Shenera Endraae who hunt them – generally do not let everyday people see them, at least not everyday people who survive long enough to tell tales.  At least until the apocalypse.

The apocalypse came with the opening of the portals, and from the portals came not just Ellehemaei-from-Ellehem (I am certain there is an Old Tongue word for this but I haven’t coined it yet, since Ellehemaei means Those-from-Ellehem and is used to refer to all fae) but creatures from their world: hell hounds and war cats, monsters and critters, and wyverns – animals in the form of giant flying lizards.

Some (not just the flying lizards, things in all categories of Critter) were also created by the Returned Gods, either to help them fight their battle of invasion into Earth, or because they enjoyed having very big pets.

When you come down to it: In Fae Apoc, a Wyvern may be a very clever animal, but it is an animal (and many of them aren’t clever at all).  A Dragon is a sapient, thinking being in a large shape.

Magically, Hugr, Intinn, and Tlacatl (Emotion, Mind, and Flesh-of-Makers) work on Dragons and not on Wyverns; Panida (Animals) works on Wyverns and not on Dragons.


Glossary of Terms Used here

Nedetakaei/Shenera Oseraei  LawBreakers/who call themselves Children of the Gods (known for their disdain for humans, their leaning towards extremes in all matters, and their lack of proper Names, which is actually a disdain of Naming)

Shenera Endraae Children of the Law)

Daeva Those who Inspire, a breed of Fae




Jason Momoa(‘s characters) Belong in Fae Apoc

I need all of Jason Momoa’s roles to be people in Fae Apoc.

Khal Drogo is an old soldier of the likes of Aelfgar.  He’s been fighting monsters, Nedetakaei, returned gods, and more monsters for longer than he can remember. If he dies, he’ll be reborn into this.  He is a warrior all the way through, but he’s getting a little bit tired.  Picture him riding a motorcycle – or a horse – through the post-apocalypse wasteland with his warriors, chasing down a wyvern or climbing up the side of a giant to cut out their hearts.

Aquaman? He’s younger than Khal Drogo, amusingly (since the role came later in the actor’s life, that is), but he’s a fighter with (obviously) an aquatic Change.  He’s a scrapper, probably over 100 years old but never really grew up all the way, and while he’s deadly with the weapons of choice, he’s also laid-back.  He likes to sit on his beach and drink a beer, toes in the water, ass in the sand ♪

And then there’s Ronon!  Ronon Dexhas been out of school (possibly Addergoole) for four or five years, all of which has been surviving an apocalypse.  The Returned God Assholes are after him.  He’s learned to take down wild animals – both the sort that existed on Earth before the apocalypse and the sort that came through the portals with the Returned Gods.  Or MAYBE he ended up falling through a portal and ending up in a strange part of Ellehem for a while before managing to return home.  Either way, he spent years in the wilderness and now he needs to learn how to readjust to whatever society he finds himself with.

I have not seen the modern Conan the Barbarian yet (It’s now on my to-watch list) but I can bet that version would fit somewhere in the Fae Apocalypse, too.

I mean… just give me all the Jason Momoa characters forever, please?

The Great January Rebloggening Challenge!

Home Site HouseKeeping

I’ve decided that I’m going to start the Home Site HouseKeeping up again for 2021, because, well, it was helpful.

(See The Great August Rebloggening and other posts on the Home Site HouseKeeping tag for more on this)

Of course, then I spent the first two weeks of January sick, cramped up, or sick.

(yay new year?)

Still, that meant that last week was good for doing some basic maintenance stuff. Continue reading

The Bellamy, Chapter 28


“This place,” Amanana explained, “was originally put together in the time  – such as we measure time here – when Glorianna Staeghart was Chief Archivist; she served under Henry, primarily.”

Considering Amanana had led with as we measure time here, Veronika didn’t ask Which Henry or even if that was a King she was referencing or something else, such as, for instance, the head of a governing board.

“It was intended as a way to interest children in the Library portion of the Archives, and from there, in history.  You see, it is Christmas all the time here, although it is sometimes a little more Christmas than other times. ” Continue reading

Further Live-Writing Commences

After looking at the poll, I am going to Live-Write:

  • Saturdays from 1-3 Eastern Time
  • Alternate Thursdays (not the 14th, yes the 21st) from 7:15 – 9:15 Eastern Time.

This covers one of the times available for all 4 people who have voted in the poll.

If you have not voted and think you may show up, please do vote.  Even if your times available are not within my listed times, I will do my best to do at least one session where you can attend.

Live-Writing will continue on the novella, working title “Last Tube to Clarkesville.”

It will be streamed at and the folder on Google Drive is available.


Shit, this story


This could be the framing for an anthology of Autumn/Stranded stories.


Saving the Cult (if not the World), Chapter Thirty-Seven

Saving the Cult (If not the World) "It's time." Manfield Lee knew he was good at sounding authoritative even when he didn't know what he was talking about - he'd turned a fortune into a megafortune doing just that, after all, not to mention running the Organization - but right now, he DID know what he was talking about. After all, it was just a date, wasn't it? And if the date turned out to be wrong, well, then he knew exactly what to blame it on, and that blame would fall on the scholars and the psychics, not on him. The other thing Manfield Lee knew how to do was to place the blame in very specific ways that were not him.

The geyser was still coming.  It was smaller, it was weak, but it was a category-2 hurricane instead of a cat-4. It was still going to cause a lot of wreckage if it was allowed to rip through the city.

Hurricanes.  I could stop hurricanes… I have got to do a lot more studying.

She took a breath and squeezed Ethan’s hand.  She lifted the shields to exactly where they needed to be, she braced her feet, and she pushed back against the wave of power. Continue reading

Total Eclipse of the…

Total Eclipse of the...

“Not now, I just need a little more time.  And maybe a little tea.  Maybe a lot of tea.”  Nitya hadn’t even looked up.  From the crick her neck, she thought maybe she hadn’t looked up in quite a while.  Hours?  Weeks?  No, obviously not weeks

She stood and stretched, keeping her eyes almost entirely on manuscript in front of her and the notes next to it.

“You know you can’t eat over the manuscripts, Nitya, they’re ancient.  Besides, come on, there’s something you have to see.”

Suula tugged on her roommate’s arm, but Nitya wasn’t moving.  “I’ll come eat in a while.  I got some duplicates made; I can drink some tea and have a couple, oh, I don’t know, energy bars while I look over those.  Suula, I’ve got it figured out.  It’s an eclipse.”

“That’s what I’m trying to tell you, Nitya!  Come on.”  This time, Suula put some muscle behind the tug.  “It’s an eclipse!”

“What?” Nitya blinked at her friend.  “Suula, you’re an astrophysicist, when’ve you been reading ancient proto-Sumerian?”

“What?  Nitya, you need to get out of this basement once in a while.”

“It’s not a basement, it’s a climate-controlled reading room-”

“That’s three stories underground.  Nitya, come on, or I’m going to carry you.  Bring those duplicates, sure, you can tell me about it on the way up.  I promise you, I promise, I’ll bring you dinner in the cafe on the first sub-level after that and buy you the good tea, but come out.  Come on.  Come on, please?”

It was the please that did it – that and the promise of Suula’s cooking.  With a guilty little twist in her gut, Nitya realized she hadn’t been holding up her end of their shared-home agreement very well lately (Suula cooked and stocked the kitchen; Nitya cleaned).  “All right, all right.  So, the piece of the document I’ve been having trouble with?  The part that was copied over in, I think, early Roman era?  It’s talking about an eclipse of the sun.  Which should have been obvious, but the way they described it – it sounded like – like it came with some weird, ah, side effects.  Some tidal shifts that changed where the moon was in the sky.  Which, of course, I don’t have to tell you isn’t the sort of thing a solar eclipse does-”

“Ah.  Say that again?  Tidal shifts and a solar eclipse?”  Suula had stopped on the stairs and was staring at Nitya.  “Anything else?”

“Well, ah.”  She pulled up her copy on her phone. “Let’s see.  There’s the solar eclipse – it’s talking about the darkest day growing darker – and there were earthquakes, which I thought had to be poetic; the region that it’s talking about here-”

She caught herself as the floor shook.  It didn’t shake much, but she could hear something falling in the floor above them.  “Suula-?”

“You were saying?”

“-that the area it was talking about isn’t on a fault line and isn’t known to have earthquakes at all.  So I thought it was like  – well, it was referencing a great screaming and wailing, and -”

She didn’t even bother commenting this time, because even a story beneath the ground, they could already hear the screaming and wailing.

“So.  Ah.  There’s an unpredicted solar eclipse going on outside.  But maybe, uh.  We should find someplace safe instead?”

Patreon Hat   

So, I’ve been watching StarGate…

No Two Alike…

No Two Alike...

All around the town, the pixies and the Zippies were zooming, their high-pitched, tiny voices trailing behind them like streamers of sound.

The First Snowfall of the Year – which was differentiated from the constant snow of the town, from the steady white-ness of their landscape and the piling drifts, by a certain glint to it, a certain sharpness to its edges, and a certain extremity to everything about it – was coming down very late in the day, and it was coming down with particular intensity.

For the pixies, and especially for the Zippies, who were (so said the experts, who might know, although others argued) a very small sub-species of kobold, this was very important.  While every person in the town wanted to read their fortune in the First Snowfall – because that was another thing that differentiated this snowfall from all the others that fell all the time; it was very good for divination – the pixies and the Zippies, being wee, were especially good at snowflake divination.  And dressed in their special Cold-Weather Suits, they could handle the individual flakes without fear of melting the flakes – or of freezing their tiny selves.

The train station, especially, was alight with the tiny creatures, such that one couldn’t move to or from the p Continue reading